she negotiated the price with her more serious prince An. At that time, she said that she wanted to record a female version of “Meet” for herself as a souvenir. She was about to refuse, but this woman immediately shamelessly said that she wanted it too; now for dinner, Wang Zi’an was obviously asking about herself, but she urgently wanted to It’s okay to interrupt and recommend a good and cheap restaurant. When she opens her mouth, she says “Kong Liang”. What does she want to do? Are you going to kill Prince An as one of those guys in the bar?

she negotiated the price with her more serious prince An. At that time, she said that she wanted to record a female version of “Meet” for herself as a souvenir. She was about to refuse, but this woman immediately shamelessly said that she wanted it too; now for dinner, Wang Zi’an was obviously asking about herself, but she urgently wanted to It’s okay to interrupt and recommend a good and cheap restaurant. When she opens her mouth, she says “Kong Liang”. What does she want to do? Are you going to kill Prince An as one of those guys in the bar?
/When Fang You and the other three were standing on the roadside, waiting for the bus, while they were complaining to Ma Liting, or opening their mouths to criticize, Ma Liting was beaming with joy, as if she had won a battle, and said to Wang Bo sitting next to her with admiration:
” Wang Zi’an, you are so awesome! I have recorded songs with Teacher Wan more than once or twice, but I have never seen Teacher Wan praise anyone so much! I have never seen him help for free without taking anyone’s money! Let me tell you, Teacher Wan, don’t look at it. He is no longer a teacher in Sichuan Music. He smells like copper and gives the impression that he is more of a businessman than a musician, but his vision is very high! Many people in Sichuan Music, including Many teachers, professors, and Teacher Wan looked down on them. In his eyes, these people were worthless, just fishing for fame, old-fashioned, and completely out of step with the times!
Ma Liting turned sideways and faced Wang Bo, with a divine light on her face. , with brilliant eyes, he talked endlessly, from other people’s evaluation of Wang Bo, to Wang Bo’s own talent, and finally to this piece of his. The language was not subtle, direct and bold, and he was praised all the time!
“Sister Ma, you are too generous. Teacher Wan also received a prize today. I am not as talented as I am, but I am a bit crooked and impatient! This song “Meeting” is also an accidental achievement. Can I write this again in the future? Works of this quality are all problems. It’s passed! It’s really passed!” Wang Bo felt ashamed and waved his hands repeatedly, not daring to accept Ma Liting’s praise, let alone look into Ma Liting’s shining eyes. If we can’t look at each other, we can only look down. Wang Bo’s eyes slid down, sliding over her protruding breasts, past her small waist, and finally landed on Ma Liting’s skirt. At this time, he noticed that Ma Liting was not “sitting upright” at this time, but put her two long legs together towards him, stacking them on the seat of the Jetta like stacks of firewood. The two thighs, slender and well-proportioned, were wearing flesh-colored stockings with no flaws visible, and were tightly wrapped by a black skirt.
“Gudu” Wang Bo swallowed the saliva in his mouth, his eyes were like radar, reflecting back and forth on Ma Liting’s slender thighs that were folded towards him four or five times, and then he moved away with difficulty.
Then, she picked up her chopsticks and looked at them repeated