g in a place where birds sing and the flowers smell fragrant, and the ice and snow here are not suitable for me.” Moros shook his head slightly and said: “Oh, That’s such a pity. Then there’s no need to waste any more words between us. You go and assist them, and leave them to me.” The fat man with the painted face and the couple responded and rushed towards the battle group. .

g in a place where birds sing and the flowers smell fragrant, and the ice and snow here are not suitable for me.” Moros shook his head slightly and said: “Oh, That’s such a pity. Then there’s no need to waste any more words between us. You go and assist them, and leave them to me.” The fat man with the painted face and the couple responded and rushed towards the battle group. .
The person in charge of Dongxi University immediately shouted: “Beware!”
It was obvious that the members of the White Bear Team put great pressure on him.
Yin Kuang turned the wishful stick in his hand and started to circle, saying: “I advise you to find some helpers.” Moros said: “You seem to be very confident? However, I will trample your confidence to nothing in a moment. Do you believe it?” Yin Kuang said, “Then just let go and come over.” As soon as he finished speaking, Yin Kuang took action first and smashed out the wishful stick in his hand.
However, Yin Kuang did not use all his strength. Because he was ready to take advantage of Moros’ underestimation and look for opportunities to deliver a fatal blow to him. For a strong man like Moros, if you want to kill him, you must have an excellent opportunity, otherwise it will inevitably turn into a protracted war of attrition. And when Moros found out that he was defeated by Yin Kuang, if he wanted to escape, Yin Kuang would never be able to catch up with him in Beilu. This is obviously not what Yin Kuang wants.
Killing with one hit is the goal!
Moros has owned Ruyi Stick before, so he naturally knows how to deal with Ruyi Stick. So he moved in an arc, avoiding the impact of the Ruyi Stick while quickly closing the distance with Yin Kuang. Yin Kuang smashed the air with his stick, causing a cloud of snow in the sky. Then he retreated, preparing to distance himself from Moros. However, Yin Kuang controlled his speed so that Moros could not catch up with him. As he retreated, the Ruyi Stick moved like a phantom in his hand, and he could use it as easily as an arm. However, this did not hurt Moros at all, but he could see his legs interlaced and transformed, his body swinging, and he dodged the Ruyi Stick’s attacks again and again.
/Two seconds later, Moros rushed in front of Yin Kuang.
Yin Kuang swung out a powerful club blow and hit Moros on the waist. Moros instantly bent over, his upper body and chin almost folded together. The wishful stick was smashed empty. Then Moros landed a flying kick. This kick was extremely tricky and fast, and the two of them were very close together. Yin Kuang couldn’t dodge, and with a “bang”, the tip of his toe stabbed his right shoulder.
Yin Kuang gasped in pain and said to himself: “I still underestimated this guy!” His entire right arm was paralyzed. Then the next moment, Yin Kuang’s eyes reflected the shadows of countless intertwined legs. Yin Kuang quickly held the Ruyi Stick with one hand and spun it, as if erecting a golden round shield in front of him, and at the same time retreated again. There were continuous “bang ba