nd breathed a long sigh of relief, “Then Captain Ovanluo, Mandy The two Cavalry Commanders took your soldiers to feed the lizards, and then stood guard at the outermost perimeter.

nd breathed a long sigh of relief, “Then Captain Ovanluo, Mandy The two Cavalry Commanders took your soldiers to feed the lizards, and then stood guard at the outermost perimeter.
“As you wish, noble lady. “Ao Fanluo bowed deeply and led the alien warriors into the dense forest and disappeared. The other true successors of the Chinese sect whose names were named by Guo Caiying also hurriedly responded and got busy. Chapter 582 The
Red Lady The leader of the whimsical
team gave an order, and everyone in the team got really busy. Several Taoist disciples took out several old wooden house models from their backpacks, put them together, and threw them on the open ground. , worked together to chant the incantation, and in an instant, the model was transformed into an ancient Chinese-style palace house with a small area but richly carved
beams. Seeing that the Taoist sect had become famous, other sects also hurriedly showed off their magical powers, and a few minutes later a In the dense forest, we looked at the strange, yet heavily guarded temporary camp, and then we appeared on the muddy ground.
Comrades doing administrative work, including me, cooked first and provided logistical support, and then washed up.”
Hua The country’s bureaucracy has always been high-sounding on the surface, advocating that ‘leading cadres should endure hardship first and enjoy themselves later’. Liu Yiteng’s arrangement was expected, but because he was too tired, some people still let out a low sigh, “Hey…” Becoming more and more dejected.
Zhang Lisheng immigrated to the United States as a young man. He did not understand that the expedition team had to take a bath as soon as they camped because the Chinese living in the north were generally intolerant to moisture. He also did not understand the mysteries of Chinese officialdom. He followed the crowd into the large inlaid inlaid ceiling panel. night pearl, soft and bright light in the middle wooden house. Looking at the Chinese officials who were struggling to get up and preparing dinner in a hurry, but couldn’t even turn on a simple gas stove, they felt secretly amused.
/Curiously walking into the wooden house on the left, Guo Caiying saw that the wooden house was much smaller than the wooden house in the middle, with nothing else but a bluestone bath built along the wall. Then he jumped into the water with the male scholars from China.
I don’t know where the water in the bluestone pond comes from. But it is flowing slowly, always crystal clear, plus the water temperature is right and the steam is permeating the air. It is very comfortable to soak in it.
No matter how ‘nerdy’ others are, they don’t realize that there are promising administrative officials busy with dinner outside. No matter how comfortable or tired you are, you just have to take a bath in a hurry. He soaked up a sweat and left, but Zhang Lisheng, who originally liked hot baths, stayed in the pool for more than twenty minutes without caring before putting on the bathrobe he quietly took away from the hote