ere for processing. ” “Tina looked at the majestic court outside the window and said nervously. Just as she was talking, her cell phone suddenly rang.

ere for processing. ” “Tina looked at the majestic court outside the window and said nervously. Just as she was talking, her cell phone suddenly rang.
Tina looked at the caller ID and answered the phone, “Hey Tracey, how did your exam go? ”
Very good. Shelia is by my side. She did well in the exam today. What about you, Tina, are you at the court now?” ”
We’re in the parking lot outside the door, we’ll get in right away.”
“Okay, we’ll go find you right away, don’t be nervous Wait for us.
Shelia wants to talk to you. ”
Tracy, it’s almost half past one. I may have finished going to court by the time you arrive, so there’s no need…” Tina dissuaded her.
“We must go over to accompany you. You are our sister, my dear.” Tina. “The voice on the phone was replaced by Shelia’s.
“Oh, Shelia, thank you…”
“Wait for us. By the way, will Mr. Mountain Poisonous Insect appear in court as your witness?
“He’s right next to me. ”
“That’s good. See you later. ” ”
“see you later. “Tina hung up the phone and walked out of the car with Zhang Lisheng.
/It took the two of them nearly ten minutes to walk from the parking lot into the New York court.
Unlike the majestic style outside, the inside of the court looked simple and plain, waiting for its fate. The sentenced “sinners” of all religions and their relatives and friends, as well as ordinary citizens who came to the court to observe the trial, and reporters from various judicial media gathered together, making the dimly lit hall outside the court as bustling as a vegetable market.
Of course, no one dares to speak loudly here, otherwise once the judge in the court determines that it is interfering with the trial, he or she will be fined or jailed.
In the United States, where case law is implemented, the sitting judge is equivalent to the law to a certain extent and has real Everyone must guarantee absolute respect for the majesty of what is said and done with the law.
Please allow us to appear in court together.”
Generally, experienced judges in simple civil court cases can conclude hundreds of cases in a day, which means that most cases start in court. It only takes a few minutes at most for the case to be concluded. Such a case requires witnesses to appear in court, which is actually very rare and can easily have the opposite effect.
The tall and sturdy black legal expert looked at the summons, then at the obviously young girl in front of him, and said with rare kindness: “Miss, it is your right to bring witnesses to court.
But based on my experience in the court for so many years, If you plead guilty directly, the punishment may be lighter.”
“Thank you for the reminder, but I still want to give it a try.”
“Okay, as I said, it is your right to bring witnesses to court.” Fa Jing said no more. , replied with a serious expression without saying a word, and walked into the court.
Chapter 55: American-style Trial
The judge in charge of the three civil trials today seemed quite experienced. Tina and Zhang Lisheng waited nervously outside the doo