rsonality. She smiled and agreed. After taking the photo, she still dropped ten dollars. The extra money was Tip, I don’t usually carry money with me, so I brought some change with me before going out today.

rsonality. She smiled and agreed. After taking the photo, she still dropped ten dollars. The extra money was Tip, I don’t usually carry money with me, so I brought some change with me before going out today.
Deliberately ignoring the crowds of onlookers, it actually felt quite good to go shopping like this. Anya thought that today would be the same as before, but she didn’t know it yet, but there was a huge trouble coming towards where she was
. Since she could walk, Naturally it refers to someone.
Not far from the city center where Anya was, there was a middle-aged man wearing shabby clothes with yellowish hair and a bit of natural curls. At this moment, he suddenly heard that Anya had come to town. His face instantly showed an ecstatic look, regardless of The companion beside him threw away his janitor uniform and ran out.
/His name is Petri Robben, whose ancestral home is in Finland. He was not yet born when his ancestors immigrated to the United States during World War II. He is just forty years old this year. He has no savings, no house, no car, and no money to pay for social security. Apart from getting a meager salary from work, they are almost the same as homeless people.
In fact, he actually slept on the street for several years in the past few years. It was not until last month that he came to the town of Santa Clara and was forced to find a manual labor job, otherwise he would definitely starve to death.
He is quite tall, but extremely thin. Looking at his pale face, anyone with a little knowledge can understand that he has a habit of taking drugs. Those things are so harmful to the human body that they can be seen as abnormal just from his appearance. In addition to dumping garbage No one would hire someone like him outside of professions like barrel making.
When he was young, Petri Robben was also romantic. He worked as a street singer for a period of time and formed a band with others. They traveled all over the United States, but they soon disbanded. Not to mention becoming famous, his own livelihood became a problem. In the late 1900s, he mined in South America for several years, and was later kicked out for stealing money from his boss. All in all, he accomplished everything and was a complete scoundrel with all kinds of bad habits.
At this moment, he felt that the moment to change his destiny had arrived. It all started with a piece of news about Anya he saw two months ago. Almost everyone in the United States knew about her, and Petri was no exception. The distance between people is like from the sun to Neptune, but because of meeting her mother Cecilia, Petri believed that she was related to Anya.
He believed that he was Anya’s biological father!
/Although many years have passed, Petry recognized Mrs. Cecilia through the photo and recalled an episode in his life. He still remembered that a woman called him to say she was pregnant and he died. In the scene where the phone was disconnected, after calculating his age, he felt that he was about to soar into the sky, because Anya was