ing the Japanese who was floating on the sea with a broken arm and yelling for his daughter to leave quickly, Gabriel slowed down the speed of the motorboat and carefully checked the location of the shark. It was blocked by the sea water and the visibility was not high. He could not see it. It’s up.

ing the Japanese who was floating on the sea with a broken arm and yelling for his daughter to leave quickly, Gabriel slowed down the speed of the motorboat and carefully checked the location of the shark. It was blocked by the sea water and the visibility was not high. He could not see it. It’s up.
After raising his gun and randomly firing a magazine, he turned sideways and stretched out his hand to the Japanese in the sea, shouting: “Give me your hand! I will take you away!” The
middle-aged man who had been bitten by the shark was frightened. , thinking about getting back to the shore as soon as possible. Apart from fear, the only thing I could think of was my daughter!
I found that Gabriel and Jason had filled up the motorboat and there was no room left. I don’t know why, but I was so evil that I grabbed Gabriel’s hand and tried to pull him into the water!
On the one hand, he was fighting for a survival position, his mind was already in a panic, and he didn’t see Han Xuan and the others approaching. On the other hand, he wanted to use Gabriel to attract sharks! So that I and my daughter can survive!
When people face death, the moral constraints imposed by society no longer matter, and they can only remain wild! Extremely selfish and cruel, he will do anything to survive!
There are often stories of people jumping into the river to save others and then dying themselves after rescuing others to the shore. This is praised and spread as a virtue by people.
But if you think about it deeply, wouldn’t the chances of a rescuer who has been prepared to survive be as good as those of a drowning person?
Most of them died because they were panicked and dragged down by the drowning people. If the drowning people had not lost their minds, many of them could have survived together.
Gabriel was unprepared and was really dragged into the sea by the Japanese. The motorboat was Almost fell over!
At this moment, his mind was blank and he couldn’t figure out why he came to save him and why the other party did this. He lost his grip on the pistol and fell into the sea.
/Caught off guard, when Jason tried to catch him, it was already too late and he saw Gabriel falling into the water!
When I stabilized the motorboat and looked at the ferocious-looking Japanese, I felt a chill in my heart.
On the battlefield, he had seen many terrible things, but Jason felt at this moment that he had still far underestimated the malice that humans could possess.
I really wanted to kill this guy with one shot. Jason’s eyes were full of anger and he shouted: “Gabriel! Come up! I saw a shark coming!”
The Japanese daughter was swimming towards the motorboat. It was a cramp, and half of his body was exposed from the sea to ask for help!
Her father tried to climb onto the motorboat, but was kicked away by an angry Jason, who now just wanted to get Gabriel out.
Gabriel swam up as soon as he fell into the water. The water was very good. At this moment, he had thought of something and his face was terrifyingly gloomy.
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