but fell to the ground. The elevator descended for more than five minutes before stopping. According to Liu Gan’s estimation, it descended at least dozens of meters deep into the ground.

but fell to the ground. The elevator descended for more than five minutes before stopping. According to Liu Gan’s estimation, it descended at least dozens of meters deep into the ground.
The elevator door opened again. After following the green cursor and walking out of the elevator, Liu Qian and Liu Ruyan came to a place similar to a subway platform. Of course, it looked much bigger than a subway platform in the real world. The feeling of future technology.
The green cursor pointed in the direction of the subway tunnel, but the entire place was still closed and inaccessible. It seemed that the subway had not arrived yet.
The display on the wall showed that the next subway train would arrive and it would take more than twenty minutes. The two of them could only sit down on the seats beside the platform wall and waited there boredly.
“Are you going to the front line to fight?” Liu Ruyan asked Liu Qian beside him.
“Maybe.” Liu Qian didn’t know anything now.
“Will you be separated from Brother Liu?” Liu Ruyan looked worried.
“That shouldn’t happen, right?” Liu Qian closed his eyes, looking a little tired. Ever since he knew that Liu Ruyan was Sunina’s product, he no longer had much interest in talking to her. In his opinion, Liu Ruyan was just a biochemical robot.
“You should sleep for a while. You may be very tired after this. I will help you to be vigilant.” Liu Ruyan said to Liu Qian.
Liu Qian said nothing, leaned his head on the wall behind the chair, and really fell asleep.
Liu Qian felt that he only fell asleep for a short while this time, and then he heard the subway arrival announcement. When he woke up and opened his eyes, a subway roared and slowed down and stopped slowly on the platform. After getting down, the platform door and the subway door opened one after another.
The carriage Liu Qian and Liu Ruyan were riding in was empty, and there was no one there after they got in.
After getting on the subway, Liu Gan immediately received a prompt from the system, asking him to sit down in his seat and lock the safety device.
/The subway stopped on the platform for about half a minute. Liu Qian and Liu Ruyan had just sat down on their seats and locked the safety devices when the subway shot forward like a rocket.
The subway is suspended and has no contact with the surrounding pipes. With its powerful engine, the speed is even faster than an aircraft flying in the air.
Liu Gan used the sensor chip in his brain to sense back and forth, trying to see if he could sense if there were other players in the carriages in front and behind him. He found that the energy of the entire subway fluctuated greatly. In this case, he wanted to sense other players. The energy fluctuations of players are like trying to hear the sound of a pin falling on the ground on a very noisy street. It is simply impossible.
In this case, Liu Qian didn’t waste any time and fell asleep on the seat again. It was such a waste not to sleep when he couldn’t fight monsters, upgrade and equipment.
Half an hour later, the s