ebrows and said nothing. He said nonchalantly: “It has been predicted for a long time. The 150 million yuan at the beginning of the year is estimated to be this project. Li Wei, have you found the relevant patents for the appearance and keyword selection of the music disk?”

ebrows and said nothing. He said nonchalantly: “It has been predicted for a long time. The 150 million yuan at the beginning of the year is estimated to be this project. Li Wei, have you found the relevant patents for the appearance and keyword selection of the music disk?”
“This has not been found. Zhao Song, Why are you mainly checking Apple? Do you know anything? ”
“I really know something. I found out from an inconspicuous post on a forum that Apple is planning to add an important member to their closed ecosystem.” Zhao Song was full of nonsense. .
“Tunes, tunes!”
/“According to what you said, according to Apple’s naming method, it is also called ITUNES!”
It is estimated that Apple is busy negotiating with major music companies, as long as it pays for online music copyrights Only when they reach an agreement will they accelerate the development of IPOD.
“Classmate Li Wei, have you found the patent law firm for me?”
“Hey~” Xiao Yu next to him glanced at Zhao Song disdainfully. Zhao Song and Li Wei had been wandering in Xiagou Village for so long, and the villagers Who doesn’t know the relationship between these two people.
Zhao Song pretended not to see Xiao Yu’s contempt and listened carefully to the voice on the phone.
“Don’t worry, a firm run by a Chinese lawyer has a very good reputation over the years. I’m just waiting for someone from your side.”
Zhao Song breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this and said, “Lawyer Fu will arrive with his team tomorrow. Li Wei, I hope you can find someone to follow up, because when all patents are registered, the G5 keyboard will be shipped to the United States,”
Li Wei said happily on the other end of the phone . : “Don’t worry, Zhao Song, get your keyboard right.”
Putting down the phone, Zhao Song looked at the text messages on his phone, and then said to Er Mao: “Er Mao, turn to the information road ahead and drive slowly, there is a big The fat man is waiting on the roadside.”
“The boss of Forward Education?” Er Mao had only seen that big fat man. He was the man who opened three new home appliance classrooms one after another. He took a trolley and pulled several bags of cash, which was an eye-opener for him.
Zhao Song nodded, and just as he was about to turn around and tease Xiao Yu, the phone rang again.
“Yuanyuan, how are you?”
“I’ve been asking for two days, and my second uncle also asked someone to ask. In the whole Shenzhen city, the only person who played HIFI headphones and started a company is Yu Zhi, who I helped you contact before.”
Zhao Song perked up after hearing this . Shocked, he hurriedly asked: “Are you sure?”
“Sure!” Yuanyuan said affirmatively, “This circle is too small. There are many headphone factories here, but he is the only tuner who has played with HIFI headphones and started a company. , and I heard that his company’s current operating conditions are not good.”
Zhao Song grinned, “Thank you, Miss Tangyuan.”
Xiaoyu next to him rolled his eyes again, so just keep pretending. .