that countless people longed for, a trace of confusion flashed in Zhao Song’s eyes.

that countless people longed for, a trace of confusion flashed in Zhao Song’s eyes.
Lezi’s words provided him with another possible way of thinking.
As a truth sect, he couldn’t find any basis to support his ‘rebirth’. On the contrary, the residual radiation in his head reminded him of what he might have encountered in 1999.
The future can be predicted, and Tesla can conduct preliminary modeling of the future of a certain industry with the support of big data and based on countless advance consultations and high-level resources, and use Zhao Song’s “future vision” to Look, the model is very accurate.
What if in 1999, something with a higher technological level than this planet did something to him, allowing Zhao Song to see its simulation of the future?
What is it?
Where does it come from?
What is it going to do?
Human beings are the scabies disease on this planet. If people behave beyond the rules, Aquamarine will correct itself. But what if something outside the ‘rules’ suddenly appears on this planet?
Zhao Song thought with fear, thinking of the several tornadoes and tsunamis that had happened in his ‘previous life’ in the past few years, he kept mumbling:
/“This is a city, not a fantasy; this is a city, not a fantasy; this is a city, not a fantasy; this is a city, not a fantasy; this is a city, not a fantasy; ” Yes.”
“What nonsense?” Lezi, who was squatting aside, heard this and said sullenly, covering his nose, “Brother, I used to like watching that stuff, but my brother said it was spiritual opium, which not only corrupts people’s spiritual will. , it’s useless!”
Zhao Song: “Have you ever seen Rebirth?”
Lezi: “Isn’t that more nonsense? Let’s not talk about the scientific principles. Why are the Losers in reality?
” Loser~’ Zhao Song thought depressedly.
“There’s more, brother.” When Xizi was away, Lezi called Zhao Song directly, “Brother.” “I think you just think too much. Since it’s a good thing, instead of worrying about it, it’s better to find some old Chinese medicine doctors to take care of it.” It’s not like you can’t find conditioning.
Don’t tell me you don’t believe in traditional Chinese medicine~”
Zhao Song glanced at Lezi and said, “I only believe in modern medicine.” “What?” Lezi was surprised, “You don’t believe in
Chinese medicine?” Medicine includes Chinese and Western medicine,” Zhao Song stated calmly, “As for old Chinese medicine, I don’t believe it unless it is officially certified.”
“No, just because I believe in the data!” Modern medicine has made the present an era with the highest average life expectancy in human history. However, for a flower grower a hundred years ago, in the Forbidden City, where medical resources are most concentrated, the adult rate of princes was only half of what it was! ”
Lezi was speechless. He only accepted fragmented information and had no way to refute Zhao Song’s remarks.
“Actually, the topic in the car just now was not about my death or not.” Zhao Song patted Lezi on the shou