ter of ceremonies raised the gourd high and walked around the high platform. Hao Tingying clapped her hands excitedly and said, “Wow, it’s his gourd. Did you find it too?”

ter of ceremonies raised the gourd high and walked around the high platform. Hao Tingying clapped her hands excitedly and said, “Wow, it’s his gourd. Did you find it too?”
“Yes, I found it not far from the Seven Kills Ghost Sword. This gourd is a treasure. “It was also one of the most powerful magic weapons in Ba Xiaoshan’s hands. I think it would not be rude to give it to the Haotian family.”
/“This magic weapon was once the most famous magic weapon in Ba Xiaoshan’s hand. It could release mysterious raging fire. Countless masters have died under this magical weapon. However, after we obtained this magical weapon, we encountered difficulties in testing this magical weapon. We don’t know the origin or even who made this magical weapon. Only with the formula can you perform it.” After hearing the words of the emcee, everyone present looked disappointed. Obviously, it was a big regret not to be able to see such a fun and bloody demonstration as the Seven Killing Ghost Sword just now.
“Huh, even if you give it to them, they won’t be able to use it!” The fat man was angry and snorted coldly.
“But there is always a path. Let’s invite the professionals invited by Mr. Tang to come on stage to demonstrate how to use the gourd.” As the master of ceremonies spoke, he invited a little old man wearing an old suit and thick glasses. The little old man probably had never seen such a big scene when he walked up, so he looked a little nervous. He smiled at the master of ceremonies and walked to the gourd.
“I know him.” The fat man said, staring at the little old man above.
“What’s the origin?” Tang Yuyan asked strangely.
“He used to be Tao Yiyi’s deputy, named Luwa.”
/Luwa used to be Tao Yiyi’s most effective deputy, because he was a particularly smart person. Old Man Tao had many lieutenants. Some of them can only be said to be taking care of his daily life, which does not help his research and various plans of the 507 Institute. But Luwa was different. This old man, who was a round younger than Tao, was once a child from the mountains. He had no money to study but had an extraordinary IQ. In order to learn cultural knowledge, he gave up his identity as a farmer, fled the mountain village and entered the city. But because he had no cultural knowledge and no work experience, he could not find a job in the city. Finally, he was taken in by a library director. He was usually responsible for the cleaning work of the library. He lived in a warehouse and ate in the cafeteria with very low wages.
But this was perfect for Ruwa. He read desperately all night long, and with his extraordinary IQ, he had a very strong learning ability. He couldn’t even recite the English alphabet when he first arrived in the city, but he showed off his skills at a Sino-US exchange meeting held in the library three months later. The translation at that time was inaccurate in some professional terms, which made the representatives from the United States very dissatisfied. However, they could not find such a professional translator for the time be