six princes join forces. The latter should not be underestimated. The two sides are currently tied. But according to my observation, the time of equal power will not last long. Now the seven princes have not shown their true strength. When their true strength is revealed, it is estimated that this mountain will really collapse. I just hope that the seven princes can move the battlefield so that I can save Nagisa Yu.

six princes join forces. The latter should not be underestimated. The two sides are currently tied. But according to my observation, the time of equal power will not last long. Now the seven princes have not shown their true strength. When their true strength is revealed, it is estimated that this mountain will really collapse. I just hope that the seven princes can move the battlefield so that I can save Nagisa Yu.
“Haha, is this all you have?” The fifth prince roared loudly, shaking the sky like a strong wind piercing the clouds.
“Fifth brother, even though our strength is not as good as yours, you should know that this is not our real strength. But full-body demonization was a taboo that my father mentioned many times at the time. The most a competition between princes can do is half-body demonization. , the whole body becomes a demon,” a prince said coldly after dodging the fifth prince’s palm.
“Thank you for remembering my father. My father will definitely pass on to me. Why didn’t you remember?” After the fifth prince transformed into a demon, a thick snake tail grew from his back. Sweeping across, it set off a terrible gust of wind.
“Fifth brother, it is true that my father favored you at the beginning, but it is still unknown whether he will pass the throne to you. Don’t be too confident.” Boom, the demonic energy collided in the air, and the fight became more and more intense.
The big tree stump where I was hiding was relatively safe, and I was very anxious, but these princes had no intention of moving the battlefield. Seeing that the evil spirit has spread to all around Nagisa. Several streaks of demonic energy had even hit the ground around it. I wanted to rush forward and run away with Nagisa in my arms, but reason still prevailed and I suppressed the impulse in my heart.
The battle between the semi-demon demons was already quite intense. I popped my head out to take a look at the situation on the battlefield. At this time, I didn’t know if I was being too preoccupied. I always felt that the fifth prince who was fighting against the other six princes seemed to have noticed me and deliberately I glanced here a few times unintentionally. But the place where I was hiding was so secluded, and the battle between them was so fierce that there should be no way to distract them from paying attention to me. I just thought it was because I was overthinking, but after a while, the seven princes really started to slowly move towards the woods in the distance, and the battlefield was getting further and further away from Nagisa Yuu. At this time, a somewhat absurd idea suddenly came to my mind: Could it be that the fifth prince discovered me? Knowing that I was here to save Nagisa, I gradually moved the battlefield so that I could rescue Nagisa.
/Although this idea is absurd, judging from the current situation, it seems that it is really the case.
But whether I was overthinking it or not, they had indeed gradually moved away, and the seven princes moved to the distant woods to continue the battle. I sa