, and even a powerful man like Xiaogu guarding the sky, There should be nothing going on at Tengo Mountain, but I don’t know when I will see them again. Unless Zhou Jijun has the strength to establish a foothold in the four major continents, he will never take them in at the risk of destroying his own foundation. Although Li Che’er and the Twelve Star Lords were already strong in Qizhou, however, here The four major continents are nothing even to Zhou Jijun, let alone those young people.

, and even a powerful man like Xiaogu guarding the sky, There should be nothing going on at Tengo Mountain, but I don’t know when I will see them again. Unless Zhou Jijun has the strength to establish a foothold in the four major continents, he will never take them in at the risk of destroying his own foundation. Although Li Che’er and the Twelve Star Lords were already strong in Qizhou, however, here The four major continents are nothing even to Zhou Jijun, let alone those young people.
The fiery red dress and the expression of determination to leave came to mind, and Zhou Jijun’s heart ached for no reason. He took a deep breath, stopped thinking about it, whipped up a gust of black wind and flew towards the cave.
Black Rock Mountain, Demon King Cave, Zhou Jijun waved his robe and picked up a gust of breeze, blowing away the pungent stench. The reason why the cave is hot is because there is an earth fire at the bottom of the mountain. Although it often makes Zhou Jijun feel uncomfortable, this earth fire is one of the strange fires in heaven and earth. It contains the essence of fire and is very useful for refining magic weapons and practicing. Double the effect.
/“The Demon King of Luan Tian wants to recruit a group of demons to gather together, in the name of discussing the matter of the new emperor, but in fact, he is using this to increase his power and reputation. The demon emperor’s position has long been in his pocket.”
Taking off his shirt, Zhou Jijun sat cross-legged on the trough. Go up, look at the chessboard on the stone table, take out the black stones and put them gently in the corner of the chessboard.
“The realm of Xuantian… even in the wars of troubled times tens of thousands of years ago, it can be considered a strong one.”
/Above Tongtian is Fatian, and above Fatian is Xuantian. Zhou Jijun sneaked into Donghai Sect willingly The purpose of becoming the deacon of the Cangshu Pavilion was to find the combat skills and techniques that transcended the heavens. He read the ancient books in the pavilion day after day, and naturally knew about the realm of Xuantian. Fa Tian controls the laws of heaven and earth, while those in Xuantian realm can break the laws of heaven and earth and use themselves to enter the mysterious world, which is irreconcilable. Although the Donghai Sect is only a middle-level sect, it is also an ancient sect that has been passed down since the great war between heaven and earth tens of thousands of years ago. Zhou Jijun also thought about sneaking into the eight major sects, but he was worried about those who opposed those three years ago. Although the powerful men in the sky that he covets are easy to practice in large sects, they are more likely to be exposed.
“A banquet of hundreds of monsters to discuss the conquest of Dongsheng Shenzhou. I didn’t want to encounter such excitement when I first arrived here. If it can be arranged well, it might be an opportunity for me to gain a foothold.”
Zhou Jijun smiled faintly, picked up the sunspot and pointed it at the