ion foundation. He did not have much savings in his later years. His house, car and many valuable things were all transferred to the bank after his death. They took them away, leaving only a few maxed-out credit cards, and Han Xuan’s East West Bank had another bad debt.

ion foundation. He did not have much savings in his later years. His house, car and many valuable things were all transferred to the bank after his death. They took them away, leaving only a few maxed-out credit cards, and Han Xuan’s East West Bank had another bad debt.
After hearing the news, Han Xuan laughed for a long time. This was indeed Mr. Brando’s style. Since his children had a bad relationship with him, he simply left nothing to them. He didn’t feel guilty or regretful, anyway. Anya, who was about to die and
couldn’t let go of anything, didn’t notice anything was wrong. She didn’t observe Han Xuan’s exaggerated expression, lowered her head and continued: “Yes, that’s right, the DNA test results have come out, and I only found out in the afternoon. Because I was visiting my old man. Barton, so I didn’t tell you, Han, what should I do?”
Holding her shoulders and rubbing her, Han Xuan noticed Anya’s loss and confusion at the moment, and said with a smile: “It doesn’t matter, first you have to think about it, he is A good father? Do you want to maintain a relationship with him?”
“Of course not, he abandoned me and my mother!”
Anya replied immediately, without even a second’s hesitation, her voice was not loud, but her tone was very firm: “I looked at his information and found that he is not a good person. He was even sent to prison for armed robbery.” ”
That’s enough.” Han Xuan shrugged and continued: “You have wanted to know who your father is since you were a child. , now I know, that’s enough. He continues to live his life, and you continue to live yours. I suggest you just pretend that he has never appeared. If you want to meet and talk, it’s good to make this clear. , I can go with you, right now.”
After a moment of silence, Anya carefully considered Han Xuan’s suggestion, shook her head and replied: “Forget it, I know I am soft-hearted, and I will always be soft-hearted after being persuaded a few more times. , it would be better not to meet. I didn’t talk to him this morning, so I can treat him as a stranger in the future. My mother thought so too, and she still hates that person to this day.”
Han Xuan keenly discovered that since we started chatting, Anya has never He did not call Petri Robben “father”, but always referred to him as “that person” or “him”. This was a good sign for him, because it showed that Anya was subconsciously resisting Mr. Robben.
/Out of a little selfishness, Han Xuan did not hope at all that he would suddenly have a man of unknown origin, who had also been a homeless man and a criminal, to be his father-in-law.
Guessing Petri Robben with malicious intent, God knows what excessive demands he will make. Material things are not valuable, but if they are taken away by that guy, he will feel uncomfortable, and it may also affect himself and Anya. Maybe, now that he knew Anya’s decision not to contact Mr. Robben, it made him feel relieved.
“Then let’s leave it like this for the time being. I’ll send someone to help you keep an eye on him and just pay attention