sible among her cousins. Liang Ya was always kind and polite to her grandma and master. No matter in the magical city or in Sifang, whenever I have free time, I will accompany my grandpa to plant flowers, play chess, chat with my grandma, or go to the nearby vegetable market to buy groceries and go shopping with the two elderly people. When it is cooler at night, I will also Go for a walk with grandma and grandpa.

sible among her cousins. Liang Ya was always kind and polite to her grandma and master. No matter in the magical city or in Sifang, whenever I have free time, I will accompany my grandpa to plant flowers, play chess, chat with my grandma, or go to the nearby vegetable market to buy groceries and go shopping with the two elderly people. When it is cooler at night, I will also Go for a walk with grandma and grandpa.
As for Liang Ya’s other cousins, not to mention shopping for groceries and shopping, even if they stayed with the two elderly people for a little while, they all felt that their days were like years and they were impatient. She is not as polite as her granddaughter Liang Ya. She is always discussing things, with a questioning tone. She is always shouting, no matter how big or small. Even if she puts food in their hands, she never listens. Less than a word of thanks, it feels completely justified.
/Comparing the two, the two old people felt that the granddaughter from Sifang was completely incomparable to the grandchildren in Shanghai. The more they spent time with Liang Ya, the more the two old men fell in love with their granddaughter. At the end of the month, before Cheng Wenjin even opened her mouth, the two elders offered to come and live in Sifang for a year and take care of Liang Ya’s daily life.
Liang Ya cried for a while in her grandmother’s arms, venting her grievances and sadness. The old lady touched her granddaughter’s hair and back again and again with her hands. After Liang Ya’s mood improved a little, she said:
“Xiaoya, your father passed away not long ago. The deceased was the oldest, and you are also in a sad state.” Among them, it is hard for me, a grandmother, to give advice or make any suggestions on the relationship between you and Wang Bo that is opposed by your father.
/“Now, it has been two months since your father passed away, so some words are not considered important. Good advice is just the experience of an old woman who has lived for decades and is about to die. I would like to share it with you, my granddaughter, in the hope that it can be used as a reference for your future life. ”
Grandma” Liang Ya raised her head and shouted anxiously, with tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes. But
the old lady shook her head kindly, wiped the tears from Liang Ya’s eyes with her wrinkled hands, and said with a smile: ” Nannan, don’t speak now, just listen to what I, an old woman, have to say. Let’s not talk about you and that boy Wang Bo, let’s talk about your father and mother.
“I think you can see that your grandfather and I have never been very satisfied with your father and have a lot of opinions. We don’t think we look down on him because he comes from a rural area and is poor. The biggest dissatisfaction is that your father only In a hurry, I got your mother pregnant and harmed your mother for life. Later, because of the birth of your little girl, your grandfather and I became less resentful towards your father, and we slowly accepted him in our hearts. , I h