t Barkley was simply toxic.

t Barkley was simply toxic.
After a sluggish game, Iverson scored 45 points, 3 rebounds and 9 assists.
Buckley felt like his face was hit so hard that his head was buzzing.
After the warm-up, the scene entered the opening ceremony, and the starting lineups of the two teams were announced one after another.
If this pace continues, Barkley’s slapped-in-the-face character may be about to get hammered.
The Mavericks made adjustments to their starting lineup for this game. Nelson put Bradley in the starting lineup and put Uncle Huo on the bench.
This adjustment was to summarize the previous game and strengthen the team’s internal protection, but the result was caught red-handed by the Trail Blazers.
The game has entered the Trail Blazers’ favorite position battle. The Mavericks wanted to speed up this time but did not mention it.
And Pippen was really strong this time, contributing 18 points, 8 rebounds and 2 blocks.
The Trail Blazers finally defeated the Mavericks 103-92, rewriting the series’ big score to a 1-1 tie.
This time, experience prevailed.
For the Trail Blazers, this game also proved that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. They are indeed the most difficult team to beat in the lower half.
And this is the playoffs. Adjustments in each game and adjustments from game to game will bring about earth-shaking changes.
Especially since the teams in the Western Conference are so close this year, this is more likely to happen.
That night on TNT’s “NBA Insider”, Barkley, who had been holding back for two days, finally released it all at once.
“Kenny, you know there are always some surprises in NBA games, but that does not affect the final result.”
When the Mavericks and Trail Blazers game was mentioned again, Barkley felt like he was OK again.
“Charles, that’s not what you said two days ago.”
Smith did not forget to remind his golden partner.
“Did I say anything two days ago? I didn’t say anything!”
When Barkley said this, Smith was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that his partner was an old yin!
Once again, Barkley’s analysis gave Johnson and Smith the nod.
In fact, Barkley really knows football!
/“You can win a game with some luck, but you can’t win a series, man, the playoffs require hard work.
/I still say the same thing, the Jumpers can’t win the championship, and they can’t win the series. One round of playoffs,”
Barkley said confidently.
He is still the same boy as before.
Even though he was slapped in the face many times, he still believed that what he said would be right.
Barkley’s remarks once again triggered heated discussions among fans on the forum.
Compared to his professional career, his commentary career is richer and more exciting.
This game is crucial.
Because of the current NBA playoff format, the first round adopts a best-of-five-game system.
The winning team will directly get the match point to end the series.
Nelson adjusted the starting lineup back before the game.
His passivity in the last game made him realize something.