orest, I sat in the cage and quietly observed the movement around me. Then there was a rustling sound. I looked over and found that the grass was moving. Then the sound got closer and closer. I saw dark things popping out of the grass, one, two…

orest, I sat in the cage and quietly observed the movement around me. Then there was a rustling sound. I looked over and found that the grass was moving. Then the sound got closer and closer. I saw dark things popping out of the grass, one, two…
In the end, the whole cage and my whole body were covered with these rats. They bit my body, and I could feel my flesh and blood being torn apart. There was a sound, but I couldn’t feel the pain. Then I saw a person suddenly standing in front of the cage, a dark person. I looked at him like this, and then I woke up from the nightmare.
When I woke up, I still instinctively picked up my chest with my hands, as if I wanted to get rid of all the mice on my body. But this action suddenly accompanied me when I woke up, and I seemed to have really picked up a pair of hands. This feeling instantly woke me up from my dream, and turned into outright fear. My heartbeat began to rise sharply. I looked around, and there was no one else in the room except me.
I quickly opened the quilt and found that there was indeed something cold inside the quilt. I turned on the light and found that it was not something else, but a human hand. It was supposed to be placed on my chest, but because I did Because of the nightmare, I grabbed it, so I felt as if I had touched a hand, but I did touch a hand.
But when I saw this hand, I was stunned, not because of the sudden appearance of the severed hand, but because I suddenly realized that the moment I woke up, I seemed to shout a name-Mom !
/Yes, I shouted like this. As the whole person’s condition changed, the strong feeling in the dream began to become blurry. However, I could still find the source of this feeling and the name. It was the man standing in the iron cage. The person in front of me, I’m calling her.
And I have a very strong feeling in my heart that this person is not the “mom” who raised me, but a completely different person, but I can’t see who she is, she is standing in front of me like a shadow, I can’t see her!
After that, I calmed down a little and wrapped the hand in an evidence bag. I seem to have become accustomed to such scenes, especially such stumps. Even if I hold it in my hand now, I don’t feel any fear at all. But this does not mean that I am not afraid. I am afraid, because I know that when I sleep, After getting off, someone else came in.
/I have always been unable to determine who has sneaked in. It seems that there are too many people who can sneak in. However, none of the people I have discovered now seem to give me the feeling of someone moving into my room. I have always felt that there are people who have sneaked in. Such a person, he has always been there, doing the same actions and things, but I have never found him, and he has never been found by me, and he is like my shadow, in this home.
After that, I didn’t rummage through boxes and cabinets to find this person. I just put the severed hand in an evidence bag and put it in the refrigerator, then lay back on the bed and continued to sleep. At thi