cident happened, I clearly saw that many residents came out to watch in an instant, which meant that there were people there, but they were all people who didn’t like to move around.

cident happened, I clearly saw that many residents came out to watch in an instant, which meant that there were people there, but they were all people who didn’t like to move around.
I hurried downstairs. When I got to the road below, there were street lights. It was a little brighter and I felt a little more at ease. Now I want to get out of here quickly. I walked very fast, almost running. It wasn’t until I got out of the community and got into the car that I calmed down a little. At this time, I had no intention of taking a detour and went straight to my house.
After I got home, I locked the door and secured it, and then I felt completely at ease. Then I put the blue box on the table, put on my gloves again, and looked at it one by one.
I have already mentioned the pair of bloody gloves. They were on Ma Liyang’s hands. I think they can be used as an important piece of evidence in Ma Liyang’s case. I saw there was a book inside, like a diary, and I flipped through it casually. , it is indeed full of diaries, and I look a bit like Wang Cheng. After all, he and I are classmates, so I can still recognize some of his handwriting, and I have also seen Wang Longchuan’s handwriting, which is obviously not Wang Longchuan’s.
Apart from the diary, there is just a CD in a box with nothing written on it. The remaining items are a tuft of hair, an old receipt, and nothing else.
My first target was naturally on this disc, so I didn’t have time to look at the others, so I went to the DVD player, put the disc in, and then turned on the TV to play.
Wang Longchuan soon appeared on the TV screen. He was sitting on the sofa and talking as if he was making a confession. It was obvious that he was recording such a confession for himself. When he saw this confession of his, Only then did I understand why he left such a box for me.
/Because a lot of what he didn’t say is on this CD, and more importantly, what he said above is somewhat different from what I asked him about in Kidney Deficiency.
He basically said the following issues. First, he did not kill anyone, although it seemed that he was the murderer. This is consistent with what he said in the interrogation room. Here he said why he hid it in my house. In fact, it was not far from what I guessed. He wanted to get the recording pen I hid under the cactus because of this. Very important.
But why it was important, he didn’t say. He said he didn’t expect that there was a Peng Jiakai in my house, and Peng Jiakai was also looking for such a thing, which almost exposed his whereabouts, so in the end when he saw me hiding the pair of gloves from Ma Liyang’s scene, When the time came, he took it away. The reason why he took it away was because he needed to cover up the fact that Ma Liyang was dead.
However, it makes no difference whether he covers it up or not. Even if he said that I would not believe that he committed suicide.
The second thing he said was about the death of Su Jingnan. He admitted that he was the one who stunned me in the house that day, and that he