e to control his own destiny.

David stopped a few cabins away from the cab.
He turned on the ‘K4 military electronic countermeasures optical brain’ on his arm and checked the situation in the cab.
“Attention, we found a soldier coming towards the cab. The exoskeleton armor on his body confirmed that it was David, the target this time. Notify other mercenary groups immediately!” shouted the captain of the Shadow Mercenary Group.
/David knew that he could not hide the shadow mercenary group occupying the cab while running inside the ship, but he did not expect that they would recognize his identity based on the exoskeleton armor alone.
But this is good, as it can reduce the defensive pressure on the stateroom, and even attract all the mercenaries attacking the stateroom.
“Mr. David, I know you are nearby. I have deployed an alarm device within 500 meters of the cab. As long as you dare to enter this range, I will detonate the bomb immediately!” The leader of the Shadow Mercenary Team used the public channel to The entire area is open for calls.
Their shadow mercenary group had already studied David’s battles, and even found out David’s files.
Although the title of “Invincible Soldier” is not recognized by most mercenary soldiers, David’s single-handed defeat of the Thunder and Lightning Mercenary Group was a real result.
The Thunder and Lightning Mercenary Group ranks very high in the mercenary world and is an extremely powerful mercenary group.
At least the Shadow Mercenary Group cannot compare with the Thunder Mercenary Group in terms of combat power alone.
According to what the Shadow Mercenary Group said, they are just playing with their wits and are not a pure force mercenary group.
Just like now, the leader of the shadow mercenary team is threatening David with the kryptonite powder bomb in his hand. As long as David is not crazy, he will not dare to approach the cab, let alone attack them.
As long as they wait for a while and the other soldiers from the mercenary group arrive, the battle has nothing to do with the Shadow Mercenary Group, they just need to watch the show.
But will everything go as the leader of the shadow mercenary team wants?
/David looked through the ‘K4 military electronic countermeasures optical brain’ and looked at the soldier standing next to the krypton crystal powder bomb who did not put down his visor and spoke with a proud smile.
In the soldier’s hand, there was a controller.
It was obvious that the threat made by the soldier was not false. For a moment, David really didn’t dare to rush forward like this.
If David doesn’t rush forward, it doesn’t mean that he has nothing to do with the leader of the shadow mercenary team.
As soon as his mind moved, Shadow Attendant took out the ‘Godolphin’s Wrath’ sniper rifle from the space ring.
David lay on the ground, and through the combination of the ‘K4 military electronic countermeasures optical brain’ and the precise map, he began to calculate the location of the leader of the shadow mercenary team.
The spirit of exceeding si