ngers. When his family became richer, he would replace all the sparrow demons. Although the sparrow demons were high-quality and cheap, they were not safe and stupid. As the number of customers grew, it became more difficult to use the sparrow demons. There is a bit of a price drop, such as delivering a letter to Senior Sister Yang Ying. It needs to be a little more upscale. The more Zhang Liang thinks about it, the more he thinks about it. It seems that he has to go to the Beast Control Hall. There are people there, so it is better to get a spirit beast at a low price. There is hope.

Chapter 49: Chess is like life
Temple 49, Temple text Chapter 49: Chess is like life
This article comes from [%] After a sword dance was completed, Yang Ying’s forehead was soaked with sweat. She also looked very beautiful at this time. A female swordsman on the side quickly handed over a towel. High-quality text is first published, all in %.
“Senior Sister Qi, there is news from Zhang Liang.”
“Oh, let’s take a look.”
Yang Ying is practicing the “Phoenix Dances in the Nine Heavens and the Blue Falls in the Yellow Spring” sword technique. This is a sword technique that is no less than the Nine Heavens Lihuo Sword. However, this sword technique is indeed very difficult. With the current nineteenth level of Yuan Power, it is still very difficult. In the continuous exchange of combinations of fate marks, Yuanli’s movements changed, so Li Tianyi was even more moved when he forcibly repaired the Nine Heavens Lihuo Sword with fifteen levels.
Only when you reach this level do you know how difficult it is. The nonsense the outside world talks about Li Tianyi is quite ridiculous.
Zhang Liang’s intelligence is still very reliable. Although this person is average in strength, he is really good at intelligence. He can dig out many nooks and crannies of information.
When she saw the news above, Yang Ying was also stunned. In her opinion, the only young people in the Holy Church today who could compete with her were Li Tianyi and Ning Zhiyuan of Daoguang Hall. How could Li Tianyi treat Hengshan Are you interested in Tang Wei?
That guy is a guy with a simple mind and well-developed limbs.
Behind the message was Zhang Liang’s analysis, which meant that the person Li Tianyi had been looking for might appear on this occasion.
A faint smile appeared at the corner of Yang Ying’s mouth, which stunned the female disciples on the side. To a certain extent, her beauty did not distinguish between genders.
/In fact, with Yang Ying’s qualifications, if she were to practice evil, she would definitely be the best choice.
Yang Ying is known as the most beautiful swordsman in Feifengtang in the past few decades. In fact, the world of women is very gossipy. They are also discussing in private who will win the beauty in the end. But no matter who it is, if they get Yang Ying, they will become The public enemy of the monastics.
Lei Guang Tang
Every expression of Yang Ying is so moving. Fortunately, Feifengtang is a branch of female cultivators, otherwis