control yourself yet?

control yourself yet?
Therefore, Zhang Wei fully understood Wang Bo’s situation at that time and did not blame him at all. He felt that he had done something wrong.
And after Wang Bo and Su Mengyao did what they did, they went to find Wen Xiaohan. In her eyes, it was probably the aftermath of excitement that caused them to fail to enjoy themselves with Su Mengyao.
/As for why she looked for Wen Xiaohan instead of her, she now has a new understanding. It comes from the kindness of the other person’s heart. She is Wei Shousong’s girlfriend and his “sister-in-law”, but Wen Xiaohan is a kind-hearted girl. Wang Bo felt that he could not feel sorry for Wei Shousong, so he chose the distant place and found Wen Xiaohan, who had no boyfriend, to complete the “unfinished journey”.
In short, in Zhang Wei’s eyes, Wang Bo did nothing wrong. From the beginning to the end, he was in a helpless and passive state.
But Wang Bo, who was right, took all the blame on himself. In an instant, Zhang Weicai’s heart, which had been stable for a long time, completely collapsed, his mind was agitated, and his heart was ups and downs. Excited, Zhang Wei turned over so that she was face to face with Wang Bo and said eagerly: “Brother Bo, I don’t blame you, nor do I blame Mengyao and Xiaohan. I understand you.”
/After hearing Zhang Wei finally With the reaction, Wang Bo let out a long sigh of relief.
“Wei Wei, you really don’t blame us?” Wang Bo put his mouth to Zhang Wei’s ear and continued to whisper softly. When speaking, because he couldn’t see clearly in the dark, his mouth almost touched the other person’s face. The girl’s face is delicate and smooth, like a piece of hot tofu.
“No blame, Brother Bo, I really don’t blame you.” Zhang Wei nodded, eager to defend. The two people talking face to face were almost touching each other, and Wang Bo’s breath was sprayed directly on her face, making her panic. The body temperature that had just dropped not long ago was like a thermometer placed directly on the flame. scurry upward.
“You won’t talk about what happened tonight?”
“No! How can I talk about this kind of thing?” Wang Bo’s words shocked Zhang Wei.
this time, several “dong dong dong dong” sounds suddenly came from the door where the few people were. “There was a knock on the door, and then Su Mengyao’s voice sounded like “Lin Chiling”: “Wang Bo, go brush your teeth and wash your face quickly. Xiaohan and I have washed up. And Tu Yunliang, Xue Fei, you can get off directly after washing up. Let’s go downstairs to have breakfast. I see that the boss, wife and family are all getting bowls and setting out chopsticks.”
“Well, I believe you, Weiwei! However, I need to get a guarantee from you.”
“Guarantee? What guarantee?” Zhang Weiwei was stunned.
“Simple! Just give me the trousers inside your jeans. With those trousers, I will believe you.” Wang Bo put his mouth next to Zhang Wei’s ear again and said. Even though his face was now thicker than the city wall, he still felt blushing when he said such words to a girl, who wa

one of you and Huang Liang was injured and hospitalized, and the other, uh, may be punished by the school.”

one of you and Huang Liang was injured and hospitalized, and the other, uh, may be punished by the school.”
” I was too impulsive.” Seeing that the woman he loved “cares” about him and is worried about it made Tu Yunliang a little excited, and then a little bit regretful.
“Let the past go. Now think about how to face the future and learn profound lessons from it.” Wang Bo patted Tu Yunliang on the shoulder, turned and walked towards the bathroom. It was already eleven o’clock in the evening, and the lights would soon be turned off.
When the entire dormitory and all the dormitory buildings to the left and right fell into darkness, all the boys in dormitory 3-1 went to bed. This was unimaginable before. At this time in the past, Huang Liang would take the radio to the balcony to listen to BBC Global News at 11:30; Tu Yunliang would start his snack, usually making a bowl of instant noodles; Xu Cheng would continue to stay up late at night with a flashlight, reading his favorite miscellaneous books; For Wei Shousong, it was time to exchange text messages with his girlfriend. Before breaking up with Zhang Wei, it was Zhang Wei, and later it was a girl named Liu Jing who was in his relationship, who was also his future wife.
However, tonight, everyone went to bed early, and it was quiet and silent, except for the occasional cough and the squeak of the canopy bed caused by turning over. There was a stagnant and depressing atmosphere in the dark air, making everyone, including Wang Bo, lose the desire to speak.
At about 11:30, a text message came in from Zhang Wei who was far away in Chengdu:
“Brother Bo, I heard that Huang Liang and Tu Yunliang fought because of Wen Xiaohan? Huang Liang is still hospitalized? Tu Yunliang is in the police station?”
/Wang Bo was stunned for a moment and then relieved. Needless to say, Wei Shousong must have told Zhang Wei.
Alas, most men can’t control their mouths in front of beautiful women, including himself.
“Well, that’s what happened.” Wang Bo texted.
“Is that serious?”
“Huang Liang is more serious, and he may lose his appearance. Tu Yunliang may be fired from the c department.”
While chatting with Zhang Wei under the quilt, another text message came in on the phone, and again It was someone whom Wang Bo had never expected:
Su Mengyao!
Su Mengyao asked the same question as Zhang Wei, asking whether Huang Liang and Tu Yunliang had a fight because of Wen Xiaohan, and whether it was serious. Wang Bo then “copied” the chat with Zhang Wei just now, and finally told the other party to just know for the time being. Okay, don’t spread it randomly yet.
In the past, when Wang Bo was at work, he would often hear a lot of gossip, which was basically spread by a few “beauties” in the company. Comparing what happened today, Wang Bo couldn’t help but sigh and thought, There’s a reason why high-level spies are usually beautiful women.
Just as he was thinking about it, another text message came in from his phone, but it was Wen Xiaohan. Wen Xiaohan said that Su

rising, and I think a large number of companies will flee, especially labor-intensive industries with low added value. China has resources and manpower. In the past few years, it has introduced a new tax exemption policy for foreign companies for several years, and infrastructure is also being built. With such a good investment area, I want to put a factory there, not to mention those small entrepreneurs who care about every penny of profit.

rising, and I think a large number of companies will flee, especially labor-intensive industries with low added value. China has resources and manpower. In the past few years, it has introduced a new tax exemption policy for foreign companies for several years, and infrastructure is also being built. With such a good investment area, I want to put a factory there, not to mention those small entrepreneurs who care about every penny of profit.
“If you have anything to do recently, prepare in advance. We may leave in early December. ” Your grandpa plans to visit Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and Hong Kong. Didn’t he make money from the stock market a few days ago and plan to open the SOS Group to those places? As for China, the economic conditions have not caught up yet, and preferential policies for the service industry have not been released. It would be better to wait a few more years.
“You said before that you would let me open a cinema in China. ” I sent someone to investigate. The market there is almost undeveloped, and the price of watching movies is only a few cents. Are you sure there is a market? ”
/Similar to my grandpa, we first enclose the land. Once the market is basically developed, the plan can be launched immediately.” ”
Han Xuan knows that before 2012, domestic movies were dominated by piracy.
“Use-ism” prevailed in various industries. The country has not yet entered complete socialism, but the piracy industry has entered early. The
true realization of “everyone takes for free” “Necessary” high-level ideology.
In the theater industry, he can lose money so much that he jumps off the building. It is better to say that he is allowed to participate in this industry, but it is better to say that he is asking his grandfather to enclose the land in disguise.
The land in first-tier cities will be China’s future in the next twenty years. One of the most profitable industries.
“My Snow Mountain Investment Company will also enter China to do business in the future. When I go back this time, I want to buy a piece of land by the Huangpu River in Shanghai and build the branch headquarters in Pudong in the future. In recent years, Shanghai has served as the window of the China Special Economic Zone and has unique geographical advantages. I am very optimistic about it. ”
Remembering what my grandfather had just said about the places in East Asia that the old man was going to, Han Xuan asked, “Should we go to those in Taiwan and Hong Kong together? ”
Well, the immigration procedures are being expedited. I rented a Boeing 767 from United Airlines. I should go to Japan first.” Your grandfather is planning to acquire the 7-Eleven subsidiary of Ito-Yokado Corporation. The right to use the 7-11 trademark is in the hands of the American Southern Company. It was previously authorized to the Japanese company. It is developing well and has a ready-made store. You don’t have to start from scratch to acquire it, which can save a lot of time.”
During the chat, come on Arrive at the golf course.
The caddies

talent, wealth, and future prospects, she no longer wants to compare them. Although Li Yongwu is a promising young man, she can see the ceiling of his promotion at a glance! Li Yongwu was able to reach the heights of her father Dong Jiayao in this life because of the smoke rising from his ancestral grave. Dong Zhen, whose whole family is a civil servant, understands very well that promotion in the officialdom does not require a tyrannical background. If you rely solely on hard work and improvement, the range of improvement will be very limited. And if you fail to stand in line in a political struggle and offend someone, once the enemy wins, it will be doomed. Therefore, a smart official will usually not let his offspring follow his own old path, and let his children go into business and accumulate wealth. He himself will protect it in the officialdom. If the family has power and money, that is the best choice. !

talent, wealth, and future prospects, she no longer wants to compare them. Although Li Yongwu is a promising young man, she can see the ceiling of his promotion at a glance! Li Yongwu was able to reach the heights of her father Dong Jiayao in this life because of the smoke rising from his ancestral grave. Dong Zhen, whose whole family is a civil servant, understands very well that promotion in the officialdom does not require a tyrannical background. If you rely solely on hard work and improvement, the range of improvement will be very limited. And if you fail to stand in line in a political struggle and offend someone, once the enemy wins, it will be doomed. Therefore, a smart official will usually not let his offspring follow his own old path, and let his children go into business and accumulate wealth. He himself will protect it in the officialdom. If the family has power and money, that is the best choice. !
/As people go to higher places, water flows to lower places. Once a person has experienced better and higher-quality things, he can no longer tolerate the inferiority and vulgarity of the past, and it becomes difficult to live with him! Sometimes Dong Zhen even thought with some malicious intent, maybe just in terms of his skills in bed and his tricks in bed, Li Yongwu, who was quite law-abiding, was not as good as that “heartless man” who had many tricks and tricks!
Thinking of this, Dong Zhen felt sad and helpless.
Sometimes, she also thought that she might as well take the initiative and leave her reserve and self-esteem behind to find that “heartless man”. The “heartbroken man” had tearfully apologized to himself for his mistakes and begged for his forgiveness. If she wanted to return to him with shame, she was confident that he would not refuse.
But she tried many times, but she still couldn’t get rid of that face!
She, Dong Zhen, is proud after all!
It’s not like you can’t find boys and no one loves you!
When she broke up with that “heartless man”, she said so resolutely and never moved forward, and it was hard to change her mind; now she goes back to beg like a poor thing, begging for his charity. She Dong Zhen is so unbearable and despicable. ?
Why does it have to be me who takes the initiative and not him?
No initiative, no refusal, no responsibility!
This is the behavior of that “heartless man”, she has seen through it!
Dong Zhen was lying on the bed without turning on the light, looking at the ceiling above her head, letting the past and the “heartless man” flow in front of her eyes. Sometimes she frowned, sometimes she curled her lips, sometimes she couldn’t help laughing, sometimes she couldn’t help crying.
But all the memory fragments were finally fixed on the scene of the other party stumbling across the road and almost being hit by a speeding motorcycle.
“Looking at his staggering appearance and riding his bike home, nothing will happen to him, right?” Dong Zhen thought.
Once this idea came up, it took root and couldn’t get rid of it.
/Dong Zhen suddenly got up fr

od as you praised me! When it comes to pleasing the eyes, Miss Zheng is really beautiful, a truly rare beauty. BJ can also be regarded as a place where talents gather and beauties are like clouds. , but frankly speaking, as outstanding or dazzling as Miss Zheng, I have been in bj for so many years, whether it is on TV or in reality, the one who can compare with Miss Zheng is definitely not more than a slap in the face!” “

od as you praised me! When it comes to pleasing the eyes, Miss Zheng is really beautiful, a truly rare beauty. BJ can also be regarded as a place where talents gather and beauties are like clouds. , but frankly speaking, as outstanding or dazzling as Miss Zheng, I have been in bj for so many years, whether it is on TV or in reality, the one who can compare with Miss Zheng is definitely not more than a slap in the face!” ”
Haha, this A slap, there is a finger in it, it must be named Fan.” ”

The two of them were complimenting each other, either complimenting each other or complimenting each other’s boss or secretary, which was very interesting.
During this period, Wang Bo felt Fan Ruling dancing and began to move closer to his chest. When I whispered to him once, I even accidentally rubbed his ear with my lips. Although I immediately said sorry to him, I still scared him “half to death” on the spot. I thought, your boss, you My benefactor is watching from the side. If you do this to me, isn’t this trapping me into “unkindness and unrighteousness”? If you want to come, don’t come in front of your boss?
Wang Bo immediately stood up straight and kept a certain distance from Fan Ruling.
Frankly speaking, the secretary chosen by Cao Zeming was an above-average choice in terms of figure, appearance, and personal style. In Wang Bo’s eyes, he could score eighty points, almost on Jiang Mei’s level.
In particular, this woman imitates Lin Chiling’s words from time to time, and her delicate and charming manner has the urge to make men hold her in his arms and ravage her fiercely. At this time, Wang Bo was rubbed by the mouth of the woman just now, and he didn’t know whether it was accidental or intentional. The anger in his heart could not be suppressed, and he became more or less distracted.
However, he is not Wu Xia Amon, but a veteran who has experienced among the flowers. Under Fan Ruling’s teasing intentionally or unintentionally, although his mood has fluctuated a little, his basic concentration is still there. Especially thinking about the other party’s boss Cao Zeming and his pretty secretary, the pretty senior sister Zheng Yan is very close, maybe still watching them from the side, even though he still has some lingering thoughts in his heart that “a wife is not as good as a concubine, and a concubine is not as good as a thief”. He did not dare to act rashly and carry forward feudal ideas.
“Progress! People must pursue progress!” Wang Bo sighed happily in his heart.
However, one moment he was overjoyed with his progress and increased concentration, and the next moment he became stunned.
/“Miss Zheng, I wonder if I, Old Cao, would be honored to dance with you?” Cao Zeming’s smiling baritone came to my ears. Wang Bo hurriedly glanced at the waiting room next to him, and then he saw Cao Zeming, who was bending down and stretching out his hands to look like his secretary Fan Ruling. At this time, he was standing in front of his secretary Zheng Yan with a smile and asked Zheng Yan. Yan handed over a fat

rs of q//q (2002 data, but many of the nearly 100 million users of q//q have one person and two numbers, and three number, or even n number), but you must know that at this time, there were only more than 16 million computers with Internet access in the country, and there were only more than 40 million Internet users (data from 2002, which proves that Tongxun has a large number of registered users There is a phenomenon of one person with multiple accounts). On average, there is one registered user among six or seven Internet users. As a non-q//q, anti-virus software is a must-have content website, which is already a considerable number.

rs of q//q (2002 data, but many of the nearly 100 million users of q//q have one person and two numbers, and three number, or even n number), but you must know that at this time, there were only more than 16 million computers with Internet access in the country, and there were only more than 40 million Internet users (data from 2002, which proves that Tongxun has a large number of registered users There is a phenomenon of one person with multiple accounts). On average, there is one registered user among six or seven Internet users. As a non-q//q, anti-virus software is a must-have content website, which is already a considerable number.
/Moreover, these sixty-sevenths of registered people basically include the most active, most vocal and influential elites and intellectuals.
On April 25, 2002, the “New Wolf Blog”, which had been secretly studied for 20 days, was officially launched.
Xinlang, Souhu, and other Amao and Gou followed suit. With Ding San’s reminder, this was all within Wang Bo’s expectation. However, Tong Xun’s following made Wang Bo a little stunned.
On April 29, 2002, two days before the May Day Golden Week, Tongxun pushed a pop-up window to all its users:
q//q also has our own blog, where you can write diaries, post photos, and leave messages. Friends, hurry up and take a look:)
When he saw this message popping up in the lower right corner of the computer, Wang Bo, who was working in an office building in Nanping, had a petrified face. After a long time, he spat out a sentence from his mouth:
“Fuck! Brother Xiaoma, you are so unauthentic!”
According to the trajectory of history, Paixun’s q//q space will not come out until 2005. 2005 was the year when the Chinese blog war was in full swing. This year, several major “portal gangsters” such as Xinlang, Sohu, and Tongxun successively opened their own blog channels. Painxun is not called a blog, but has an unconventional name, “q//q Space”, but the content and form are no different from those of a blog. In 2006, NetOne also joined the fray and opened a NetOne blog.
Seeing that Tong Xun also started to follow suit, Wang Bo was undoubtedly angry at first, feeling betrayed. A month ago, he had a phone call with Ma Teng, asking him to help him promote him. Ma Teng did not tell him in front of him that Tong Xun was also prepared to participate. Wang Bo subconsciously thought that the other party, like Ding San, was doing it for his sake. , will not participate in this bandwagon game.
Facts have proved that he overestimated his own face and underestimated the “shamelessness” of later generations of Big Macs. The Tongxun team or Ma Teng was probably stimulated and inspired by him. “q//q Space”, which was supposed to come out three years later, came out three years ahead of schedule, and even changed its name. What is it called “q//q Space”? Just like the two “hooligans” Xinlang and Sohu, they used the company name suffixed with “blog” to name it, and it was directly called “Painxun Blog”.
“Brother Xiao Ma, Brother Xiao Ma, you are unkind, s

“Ah, no, Senior Sister Zheng? I feel that even if all the senior graduates in the school are not wanted by employers, that certainly does not include you.” Wang Bo still looked “surprised”.

“Ah, no, Senior Sister Zheng? I feel that even if all the senior graduates in the school are not wanted by employers, that certainly does not include you.” Wang Bo still looked “surprised”.
Zheng Yan didn’t expect that Wang Bo would think so highly of her, so she was inexplicably moved and a little embarrassed.
/“Thank you, Mr. Wang. There are actually many people outside of C who are better than me.” Zheng Yan said modestly, raising her hand to brush the hair around her ears as usual, a habit she likes to do when she is thinking. Unexpectedly, as soon as he raised his hand to his ear, he immediately realized that the hair on both sides of his face had been pinned back by her with hairbands. The change in her habits made her heart skip a beat, and she felt a little uncomfortable. In a hurry, she added, “In April or May, I had settled on a job, but later due to some personal reasons, I didn’t go.”
Zheng Yan As soon as I said the last words, I screamed secretly, feeling that I was extraneous and talking too much. Sure enough, as soon as she said she gave up the job she had found, the “little boy” in front of her started asking.
This was a very difficult question for her. She can answer truthfully, she can use lies to cover up false answers, or she can not answer. The best and most beneficial answer to her personally was of course a false answer. This was also the advice given to her by the sisters in the dormitory when they were guessing questions, but Zheng Yan was not prepared to adopt it.
“What if I insist?” Wang Bo and Zheng Yan looked at each other with flowing clear eyes, refusing to give in, and their tone was a bit aggressive.
Zheng Yan was stunned. She didn’t expect that Wang Bo, who had always been gentle and “kind”, suddenly became aggressive, and she felt panicked. “Should I say it or not?” she thought anxiously, and suddenly thought of the three girls in front of her. They must have been hit by the other party’s sudden hidden arrow from nowhere, resulting in The loss of space ruined the carefully prepared interview rhythm, right?
So, in the face of the other party’s insistence and somewhat aggressive gaze, what should I do? Answer truthfully? Did you lie? Or stick with the original idea?
For a moment, Zheng Yan wanted to tell the other person the truth and forget it, it was no big deal anyway.
However, if she told the other party the truth, her boyfriend would be involved, which she did not want to do.
As for lying, she never thought about it. Firstly, she wasn’t used to it, and secondly, she didn’t want to lie to the little boy in front of her who had left wonderful memories for her.
“What kind of embarrassing questions will he ask? So that everyone looks a little downcast?”
Zheng Yan pushed the door open, turned around and closed it gently. The moment she turned around, she took a deep breath and suppressed her faster and faster heartbeat. When she turned around, she was smiling and full of energy.
“Mr. Wang.” Zheng Yan walked to Wang Bo and stood about two meters away. She stared

se. Tell your husband, what were you talking about just now? Did you say bad things about me in front of your classmates?”

se. Tell your husband, what were you talking about just now? Did you say bad things about me in front of your classmates?”
Wen Xiaohan was breathless and her heartbeat was accelerated by Wang Bo’s intimacy. She hadn’t been intimate with him for more than two months, and her body was eager and sensitive. Wang Bo’s slightest flirtation made her very excited.
“No!” Wen Xiaohan gasped and said with a red face. At this time, her body had changed from leaning forward to leaning back on the sliding chair. Her head was slightly tilted back, her eyes were slightly closed, and her long and white neck was exposed. One hand was pressed on the back of Wang Bo’s hand that was rubbing around, as if to stop him from causing mischief.
Wang Bo withdrew his hands, and instead used his hands to comb the girl’s smooth, black hair with the slightest hint of magic, like a barber shop washing a customer’s hair with his back. From his current angle, Wen Xiaohan’s soft eyebrows and delicate facial features showed a different kind of charm that he had never seen before. Especially the other party’s moist, slightly open, red lips are even more alluring. Wang Bo couldn’t stand this temptation at all. He only persisted for a while, then buried his big head downward and bit hard on the red lips that were panting slightly.
“Uh-huh” sounded out, Wen Xiaohan closed her eyes and opened her mouth.
After a while of lingering, the hands holding the girl’s face began to slowly slide down, trying to get into the collar of the girl’s T-shirt to explore the two dazzling masses of snow under the collar.
However, Wang Bo’s right palm had just reached halfway in, and his fingertips had just touched the edge of the mountain, when Wen Xiaohan held him down. The girl got rid of Wang Bo’s big mouth, opened her eyes, and gasped: “Zian, not now. Sister Xiangxiang and the others will be back later.”
“Not so fast, Xiaohan. Let my husband touch it. Well, my husband misses them so much.” Wang Bo gasped and said in Wen Xiaohan’s ear.
However, this time he miscalculated.
As soon as he finished speaking, the sounds of Chen Xiang and Wu Xue chatting could be heard in the corridor outside the door. The sound came from far away, and it was estimated that in more than ten seconds, the two of them would reach the door.
Wen Xiaohan was shocked. She quickly sat upright and touched her face and collar with her hands. She felt that her face was horribly hot and must have been horribly red. She felt anxious. Finally, she simply got up and walked to the bathroom, planning to wash her face with cold water before coming out. .
“Alas” Wang Bo sighed and looked at his right hand that was not fully working. He felt a little regretful and thought to himself that he would have asked Chen Xiang and Wu Xue to buy two more dishes outside.
Wen Xiaohan walked into the bathroom, closed the door, took a basin of cold water, and washed her face several times before the dazzling redness on her fair face slowly faded away.
/Moreover, it was summer vacation, but Wen Xiaohan cam

fter Tang Jian and Zhang Xinyue left, Jiang Mei, who had only drank two glasses of beer, drove the remaining four people to Binjiang Road to enjoy the night view of Shuangqing.

fter Tang Jian and Zhang Xinyue left, Jiang Mei, who had only drank two glasses of beer, drove the remaining four people to Binjiang Road to enjoy the night view of Shuangqing.
After enjoying the night view, it was already eleven o’clock in the evening.
After Li Guilan learned that Jiang Mei also lived in the same community as Wang Bo, she said she wanted to visit where she lived. So, everyone who got off the car in the parking lot moved to Jiang Mei’s home.
/“Meimei, your house is nice? It’s clean and warm. Do you usually live here alone?” After entering the door, Li Guilan looked around, looking around at the two-bedroom apartment that Wang Bo bought for Jiang Mei. hall.
“Yes, yes!” Jiang Mei said with some guilt, and glanced at Wang Bo inadvertently. She saw that Li Guilan had been staring at the shoe cabinet she had opened just now. There were several pairs of men’s shoes neatly arranged in it, including sports shoes, casual shoes, and slippers, so she quickly explained, “My mother is also Come and stay for a while from time to time. By the way, they just returned to Longju Town last month.”
“Oh, really? You are alone now, far away, and there is no one to talk to when you come back from work. , it would be nice if more brothers and sisters come to stay, and the house can be lively.” Li Guilan said with a smile.
“Yes, Ms. Li, I think so too. It’s just that they are used to living in rural areas and are not used to life in big cities. They say they can’t recognize anyone and feel like they are in jail. They haven’t been playing for two days and they are in a hurry. “You want me to send them back,” Jiang Mei explained with a smile, but she didn’t want to go any further on this topic, so she led Li Guilan and his wife to visit the room she “rented.” She did not dare to tell Li Guilan that this was her own house, only that it was rented.
Several people stayed in Jiang Mei’s room for about ten minutes. Zhang Jifa saw that it was a little late and his wife was still nagging Jiang Mei, so he asked Li Guilan to leave quickly so as not to delay others’ rest.
Li Guilan ignored him, just looked at Wang Bo with a smile and said: “Bo’er, I won’t stay with you tonight. I will stay with your sister Mei. I haven’t seen your sister Mei for a long time and I want to chat with her.” After finishing speaking, Li Guilan turned to her husband again, “Jifa, you and Jingjing will stay at Bo’er’s place for the night. Meimei and I will chat.”
Zhang Jifa pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, “Then Okay. But don’t keep talking to Meimei. She has to go to work tomorrow.” ”
It’s okay, Uncle Zhang. I’ll take leave to accompany you tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.” Jiang Meilian said it’s okay.
The accommodation for the night was decided like this. Wang Bo, Zhang Jing, and Zhang Jifa slept in Wang Bo’s three-bedroom apartment, which had just one bed for each person; Li Guilan slept in Jiang Mei’s room.
Finally, it was not until his father took a bath and prepared to go to bed that his girl was still pestering Wa


O’Neill nodded this time.
He would ask, and he actually felt the same way.
But that way, Boston became stronger again.
“As for Chris Webber, I think he will go to Detroit.”
Sun Hao also talked about Webber.
Historically, Weber also went to the Pistons this year, and he went to replace Ben as the starting center, and performed quite well.
“I think Chris should go to Boston.”
O’Neal continued.
“Shaq’s intuition.”
O’Neal pointed to his head with a smile.
“It’s also possible.”
Sun Hao thought for a while and nodded.
Webb actually lacks everything except a championship ring.
Where in the league right now has a better chance of winning a ring than Boston?
But if they all go to the Celtics,
ahem, even if they like challenges, the Celtics are a bit too strong.
The difference between the buyout deadline and the trade deadline is that it’s just a buyout day.
As for signing, as long as you buy it out before that day, you can represent the team in the playoffs no matter when you sign.
So each player’s signing date is different.
The Clippers have also vacated the position before, which is obviously something that has been discussed before.
This signing is also interesting.
In the 2000 Finals, Rose, who was playing for the Pacers at the time, scored 32 points and led his team to a victory over the OK Lakers.
And according to history, he later moved to the Raptors and became the backdrop for Kobe’s 81 points.
And now, he’s teammates with Kobe at the end of his career.
So in the NBA, that saying is still very practical: Keep a line in your life so that you can meet each other easily in the future.
Because your opponent today is likely to be your teammate tomorrow.
Not long after Rose signed the contract, Francis made his decision.
/But his decision was beyond most people’s expectations.
This includes Sun Hao and O’Neal.
Well, Sun Hao guessed wrong again.
(Sun Hao: Meow meow meow? Where is the protagonist’s face?)
Francis did not go to the Bulls, and Sun Hao guessed it right.
But he didn’t go to Celtic either!
He finally chose to go to the Wizards! !
“Salary is not the main consideration for me. What I want more is to go to a place where I can win.”
This is the message Francis posted on his personal Twitter after making his decision.
Garnett and the Celtics said they were offended!
However, it is very exciting!
This has invisibly escalated the battle between the Wizards and Celtics in the Eastern Conference!
“Do you think Boston won’t be able to make it to the finals?”
After Francis announced the news, Sun Hao and O’Neal sat together and chatted again.
At this time, he remembered the wave of exchanges between Durant and netizens on social media using his trumpet: “We should look forward to a scenario where Boston fails to enter the finals.”
Could it be that one sentence became a motto, right?
Originally, after Artest left, the Wizards had already shown enough strength to compete with the Celtics.
Now Francis.
Oh, by the way, le