fter Tang Jian and Zhang Xinyue left, Jiang Mei, who had only drank two glasses of beer, drove the remaining four people to Binjiang Road to enjoy the night view of Shuangqing.

fter Tang Jian and Zhang Xinyue left, Jiang Mei, who had only drank two glasses of beer, drove the remaining four people to Binjiang Road to enjoy the night view of Shuangqing.
After enjoying the night view, it was already eleven o’clock in the evening.
After Li Guilan learned that Jiang Mei also lived in the same community as Wang Bo, she said she wanted to visit where she lived. So, everyone who got off the car in the parking lot moved to Jiang Mei’s home.
/“Meimei, your house is nice? It’s clean and warm. Do you usually live here alone?” After entering the door, Li Guilan looked around, looking around at the two-bedroom apartment that Wang Bo bought for Jiang Mei. hall.
“Yes, yes!” Jiang Mei said with some guilt, and glanced at Wang Bo inadvertently. She saw that Li Guilan had been staring at the shoe cabinet she had opened just now. There were several pairs of men’s shoes neatly arranged in it, including sports shoes, casual shoes, and slippers, so she quickly explained, “My mother is also Come and stay for a while from time to time. By the way, they just returned to Longju Town last month.”
“Oh, really? You are alone now, far away, and there is no one to talk to when you come back from work. , it would be nice if more brothers and sisters come to stay, and the house can be lively.” Li Guilan said with a smile.
“Yes, Ms. Li, I think so too. It’s just that they are used to living in rural areas and are not used to life in big cities. They say they can’t recognize anyone and feel like they are in jail. They haven’t been playing for two days and they are in a hurry. “You want me to send them back,” Jiang Mei explained with a smile, but she didn’t want to go any further on this topic, so she led Li Guilan and his wife to visit the room she “rented.” She did not dare to tell Li Guilan that this was her own house, only that it was rented.
Several people stayed in Jiang Mei’s room for about ten minutes. Zhang Jifa saw that it was a little late and his wife was still nagging Jiang Mei, so he asked Li Guilan to leave quickly so as not to delay others’ rest.
Li Guilan ignored him, just looked at Wang Bo with a smile and said: “Bo’er, I won’t stay with you tonight. I will stay with your sister Mei. I haven’t seen your sister Mei for a long time and I want to chat with her.” After finishing speaking, Li Guilan turned to her husband again, “Jifa, you and Jingjing will stay at Bo’er’s place for the night. Meimei and I will chat.”
Zhang Jifa pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, “Then Okay. But don’t keep talking to Meimei. She has to go to work tomorrow.” ”
It’s okay, Uncle Zhang. I’ll take leave to accompany you tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.” Jiang Meilian said it’s okay.
The accommodation for the night was decided like this. Wang Bo, Zhang Jing, and Zhang Jifa slept in Wang Bo’s three-bedroom apartment, which had just one bed for each person; Li Guilan slept in Jiang Mei’s room.
Finally, it was not until his father took a bath and prepared to go to bed that his girl was still pestering Wa