talent, wealth, and future prospects, she no longer wants to compare them. Although Li Yongwu is a promising young man, she can see the ceiling of his promotion at a glance! Li Yongwu was able to reach the heights of her father Dong Jiayao in this life because of the smoke rising from his ancestral grave. Dong Zhen, whose whole family is a civil servant, understands very well that promotion in the officialdom does not require a tyrannical background. If you rely solely on hard work and improvement, the range of improvement will be very limited. And if you fail to stand in line in a political struggle and offend someone, once the enemy wins, it will be doomed. Therefore, a smart official will usually not let his offspring follow his own old path, and let his children go into business and accumulate wealth. He himself will protect it in the officialdom. If the family has power and money, that is the best choice. !

talent, wealth, and future prospects, she no longer wants to compare them. Although Li Yongwu is a promising young man, she can see the ceiling of his promotion at a glance! Li Yongwu was able to reach the heights of her father Dong Jiayao in this life because of the smoke rising from his ancestral grave. Dong Zhen, whose whole family is a civil servant, understands very well that promotion in the officialdom does not require a tyrannical background. If you rely solely on hard work and improvement, the range of improvement will be very limited. And if you fail to stand in line in a political struggle and offend someone, once the enemy wins, it will be doomed. Therefore, a smart official will usually not let his offspring follow his own old path, and let his children go into business and accumulate wealth. He himself will protect it in the officialdom. If the family has power and money, that is the best choice. !
/As people go to higher places, water flows to lower places. Once a person has experienced better and higher-quality things, he can no longer tolerate the inferiority and vulgarity of the past, and it becomes difficult to live with him! Sometimes Dong Zhen even thought with some malicious intent, maybe just in terms of his skills in bed and his tricks in bed, Li Yongwu, who was quite law-abiding, was not as good as that “heartless man” who had many tricks and tricks!
Thinking of this, Dong Zhen felt sad and helpless.
Sometimes, she also thought that she might as well take the initiative and leave her reserve and self-esteem behind to find that “heartless man”. The “heartbroken man” had tearfully apologized to himself for his mistakes and begged for his forgiveness. If she wanted to return to him with shame, she was confident that he would not refuse.
But she tried many times, but she still couldn’t get rid of that face!
She, Dong Zhen, is proud after all!
It’s not like you can’t find boys and no one loves you!
When she broke up with that “heartless man”, she said so resolutely and never moved forward, and it was hard to change her mind; now she goes back to beg like a poor thing, begging for his charity. She Dong Zhen is so unbearable and despicable. ?
Why does it have to be me who takes the initiative and not him?
No initiative, no refusal, no responsibility!
This is the behavior of that “heartless man”, she has seen through it!
Dong Zhen was lying on the bed without turning on the light, looking at the ceiling above her head, letting the past and the “heartless man” flow in front of her eyes. Sometimes she frowned, sometimes she curled her lips, sometimes she couldn’t help laughing, sometimes she couldn’t help crying.
But all the memory fragments were finally fixed on the scene of the other party stumbling across the road and almost being hit by a speeding motorcycle.
“Looking at his staggering appearance and riding his bike home, nothing will happen to him, right?” Dong Zhen thought.
Once this idea came up, it took root and couldn’t get rid of it.
/Dong Zhen suddenly got up fr