“Ah, no, Senior Sister Zheng? I feel that even if all the senior graduates in the school are not wanted by employers, that certainly does not include you.” Wang Bo still looked “surprised”.

“Ah, no, Senior Sister Zheng? I feel that even if all the senior graduates in the school are not wanted by employers, that certainly does not include you.” Wang Bo still looked “surprised”.
Zheng Yan didn’t expect that Wang Bo would think so highly of her, so she was inexplicably moved and a little embarrassed.
/“Thank you, Mr. Wang. There are actually many people outside of C who are better than me.” Zheng Yan said modestly, raising her hand to brush the hair around her ears as usual, a habit she likes to do when she is thinking. Unexpectedly, as soon as he raised his hand to his ear, he immediately realized that the hair on both sides of his face had been pinned back by her with hairbands. The change in her habits made her heart skip a beat, and she felt a little uncomfortable. In a hurry, she added, “In April or May, I had settled on a job, but later due to some personal reasons, I didn’t go.”
Zheng Yan As soon as I said the last words, I screamed secretly, feeling that I was extraneous and talking too much. Sure enough, as soon as she said she gave up the job she had found, the “little boy” in front of her started asking.
This was a very difficult question for her. She can answer truthfully, she can use lies to cover up false answers, or she can not answer. The best and most beneficial answer to her personally was of course a false answer. This was also the advice given to her by the sisters in the dormitory when they were guessing questions, but Zheng Yan was not prepared to adopt it.
“What if I insist?” Wang Bo and Zheng Yan looked at each other with flowing clear eyes, refusing to give in, and their tone was a bit aggressive.
Zheng Yan was stunned. She didn’t expect that Wang Bo, who had always been gentle and “kind”, suddenly became aggressive, and she felt panicked. “Should I say it or not?” she thought anxiously, and suddenly thought of the three girls in front of her. They must have been hit by the other party’s sudden hidden arrow from nowhere, resulting in The loss of space ruined the carefully prepared interview rhythm, right?
So, in the face of the other party’s insistence and somewhat aggressive gaze, what should I do? Answer truthfully? Did you lie? Or stick with the original idea?
For a moment, Zheng Yan wanted to tell the other person the truth and forget it, it was no big deal anyway.
However, if she told the other party the truth, her boyfriend would be involved, which she did not want to do.
As for lying, she never thought about it. Firstly, she wasn’t used to it, and secondly, she didn’t want to lie to the little boy in front of her who had left wonderful memories for her.
“What kind of embarrassing questions will he ask? So that everyone looks a little downcast?”
Zheng Yan pushed the door open, turned around and closed it gently. The moment she turned around, she took a deep breath and suppressed her faster and faster heartbeat. When she turned around, she was smiling and full of energy.
“Mr. Wang.” Zheng Yan walked to Wang Bo and stood about two meters away. She stared