for selling stolen goods. You should immediately report the situation to Team Wang Da and Team Cheng. You can study it together to see how to adjust the deployment. Let’s see how to investigate next.”

for selling stolen goods. You should immediately report the situation to Team Wang Da and Team Cheng. You can study it together to see how to adjust the deployment. Let’s see how to investigate next.”
Major cases need to be investigated, as well as small cases.
After ending the call, Han Bo returned to the interrogation room to interrogate Jiang Haixia in person and take notes.
Waste material recycling points are the main channels for selling stolen goods. The police have included them as special industries, and the public security departments strictly manage them. The criminal investigation department regards the waste material recycling industry as one of the focuses of “position control.”
To apply for a special business license, you must strictly abide by the “Prohibition of Collection of Sellers Without Identity Documents”, “Prohibition of Collection of Items without Proof of Origin”, “Cables, manhole covers and other items listed in the Catalog of Prohibited Collection of Scrap Metal Purchasing Industry” The “three prohibitions on collection of special equipment” measures.
This young couple actually took advantage of the unattended Liuxia River at the junction of the two cities and operated in the Sigang (Xin’an) section of the Liuxia River for five years without a license under the eyes of the police in the two counties.
In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, when the two were escorted ashore and their boat was temporarily detained, Gao Changxing asked them to take their valuables with them. The cash alone is more than 13,600, and the deposit in the passbook is as high as 74,000. According to what Jiang Haixia just explained, they also built a three-story building in their hometown.
You can make money by collecting scrap, but it’s not that profitable.
This is one of the most common towns in Sigang. The economy on the other side is slightly better. It is only a small county in the Jiangbei region. There are very few rag pickers, so how can there be so much waste.
It can be imagined that in the past five years, they have purchased, harbored and sold countless stolen goods in the Sigang and Xin’an areas.
“Comrades from the public security, if I don’t steal or rob, why are you arresting me?”
“There are always floods in my hometown, and there is no harvest from the fields, so I have to go out to beg for a living. I carry a bag and a bowl, beg from house to house, and then take care of the village when I go back to my hometown. The village needs poverty alleviation funds. We work hard to run a small business to support ourselves and not cause trouble to the government. Why is it breaking the law?”
/Jiang Haixia was emotional and plausible.
/After all, he was a businessman. He complained about injustice and returned injustice. He did not behave like some women, let alone behave in a disorderly manner.
Legally illiterate, completely legally illiterate, and still thinks he is right until now.
Han Bo knocked on the table and said seriously: “Jiang Haixia, our public security organs must dea