advanced EOD robots in the world. Unlike In the past, there were only the simplest equipment such as EOD tubes and EOD suits.

advanced EOD robots in the world. Unlike In the past, there were only the simplest equipment such as EOD tubes and EOD suits.
/Twelve detonators and six kilograms of high explosives are outside. They will definitely be dispatched, but they should not be allowed to go as much as possible without risking their lives to dismantle them. What Han Bo just asked was also preparing for the worst. He motioned for them to sit down and subconsciously glanced at the three national security officers sitting in the corner.
“Comrades, based on the requirements of superiors and the actual situation, I am announcing several decisions.”
/“Comrade Qian Dahai serves as the leader of the clue investigation team, responsible for organizing the first team and the criminal police brigades of each branch to check all clues about fugitives, confirm that the clues are true, and discover the suspects Don’t act rashly after you’ve been found. Every experience makes you wiser. We can’t stumble twice in the same place. We have to wait for the comrades from the National Security Bureau to help us figure out the situation before taking further measures.”
“Comrade Yongjun is in charge of technology. The leader of the reconnaissance team is solely responsible for technical reconnaissance. The relevant bureau has helped us coordinate with the three major communication operators and network companies. After the meeting, please immediately organize the technical reconnaissance police of the task force, and then transfer six politically reliable and professional personnel from the detachment. Policemen will be stationed in the above four companies. They will move forward and work on-site. They will arrange special personnel to assist, and you don’t have to worry about the procedures.”
Sure enough, special cases should be handled specially. It should have been done long ago. Huang Yongjun, deputy leader of the technical investigation detachment, stood up hurriedly should be.
“Comrade Zhou Yan, you are responsible for tracing the fugitive’s funds for committing crimes. Although he does not have his bank account now, it is impossible for him to run around with tens of millions in cash. Not only can he use bank cards or credit cards, but he may even have online banking. After the meeting, you Just go to the Anti-Telecommunications Network Fraud Center and we will notify you as soon as there are clues.”
“By the way, although we are using the anti-telecommunications network fraud channels, you don’t have to worry about the procedures. I have personally coordinated with the leaders of twenty-seven banks in the city, and the Municipal Bureau’s Legal Affairs Department has also taken into consideration the procedures for requesting banks to assist in checking the suspect’s account.”
“Comrade Hai Qing, Deputy Director Du brought thirty-two distinguished provincial The special police will be under your command from now on. The anti-terrorism assault brigade will be deployed as planned. Each branch will have one anti-terrorism ass