“Xiao Bo, I’m sorry, I did something wrong.” Although she said she did something wrong, the expression on Liang Ya’s face did not make a mistake at all. As a child should, he was full of energy, with a starlight that couldn’t be concealed in his big eyes.

“Xiao Bo, I’m sorry, I did something wrong.” Although she said she did something wrong, the expression on Liang Ya’s face did not make a mistake at all. As a child should, he was full of energy, with a starlight that couldn’t be concealed in his big eyes.
Wang Bo smiled and asked curiously: “What’s the matter?”
“I told my mother about the two of us being friends!” Liang Ya lowered her head, cautiously, tremblingly, and pulled the hem of her clothes with both hands, as if she had done something wrong. The little girl was worried about the matter, but her eyelids kept rolling up, secretly observing Wang Bo’s reaction.
Wang Bo was really surprised. Today was not April Fool’s Day, and his girlfriend would definitely not joke on him. The surprised Wang Bo fulfilled the girl’s wish to tease him. He was so frightened that he asked what was going on. He kept mumbling words such as “It’s happened, it’s over, it’s over”, and everyone watching on the sidelines Liang Ya wanted to laugh.
In Liang Ya’s slightly proud narration, Wang Bo finally understood the whole story.
“Ginger is still hot when you are old!” Wang Bo sighed, shook his head with a wry smile, but he was very curious about what his future mother-in-law would look like after she learned all about the real him from his girlfriend’s mouth. Do you think you will be a “freak” or a “genius”?
“My mother is not old!” Liang Ya pouted and hit the guy next to her for using the wrong word.
Wang Bo quickly admitted his mistake and said, “The words don’t convey the meaning! Aunt Cheng will always be young and 18 years old!”
/Naturally, this was met with another beating. Liang Ya glanced at Wang Bo and said angrily: “How can it be as exaggerated as you said? My mother is not a monster, how can she be 18 forever?” The
/two of them joked for a while, and Liang Ya then told Wang Bo that her mother asked him to be 18 years old this Sunday. A trip to the library, her mother wanted to meet him. Wang Bo, who relaxed after hearing Liang Ya say that Cheng Wenjin had no objection to him and Liang Ya, became nervous again. He was quite worried that what Cheng Wenjin said to Liang Ya was just a delaying tactic to stabilize his daughter. After seeing him, he would What he said was the real “killing move”, Wang Bo quickly asked: “Xiaoya, Aunt Cheng won’t give me a three-court trial, right?” ”
It’s very possible!” Liang Ya narrowed her eyes and smiled. Of course she knew what her mother might say when meeting her boyfriend. She had already learned these instructions yesterday, and her face turned red and she was so ashamed when her mother said it. However, at this time, she would not tell Wang Bo right away. She would just let this stinky guy who always wanted to take advantage of her “suffer” for a while.
Wang Bo was indeed suffering so much that he couldn’t wait until Sunday to go to the library to listen to his mother-in-law’s teachings. After two classes in the afternoon, Wang Bo once again “sweated all over his body, felt weak, had stomachache, buttocks, and pain al