ly does he have connections and background, he also has various honors. It’s ironic when you think about it. He donated some stolen money and held a conference. Commend him and issue him a certificate of honor!”

ly does he have connections and background, he also has various honors. It’s ironic when you think about it. He donated some stolen money and held a conference. Commend him and issue him a certificate of honor!”
“One move affects the whole body. There is no other way.”
He actually had to commit suicide with a criminal suspect. The more he thought about it, the more depressed Han Bo became. He said coldly: “There is so much work in the bureau, and I don’t want to fight a protracted war with him. I’ll hurry up, and you should pay more attention to the task force.” , strive to resolve the battle within four months!”
At three o’clock in the afternoon, it started to rain again.
The road was slippery, so I had to slow down. When I drove to a service area, there seemed to be a traffic accident in front of me. The provincial department driver turned on the turn signal, drove slower than before, and slowly drove the car into the service area parking lot.
The leader was sitting in the car in front, and he would follow them wherever they went. Jing Longxiang, a policeman from the Economic Investigation Brigade of the Yushan County Public Security Bureau, followed subconsciously.
/Deputy Captain Sun Xiangnan of the Economic Investigation Corps of the Provincial Department jumped out of the car, walked to the steps, stood on tiptoe, and looked ahead. He found that he would not be able to walk for a while. He said to He Jie, the leader of the Economic Investigation Brigade of the Yushan County Public Security Bureau and others who came up to meet him. : “Comrades, there’s a traffic jam ahead. Let’s rest in the service area, go to the toilet, and stretch our hands and feet.”
“That’s it, free time.”
Captain Sun waved his hand, took out his mobile phone and walked aside to make a call. .
After He Jie went to the restroom with everyone, he saw Director Wang and others of the corps sitting in the car waiting, so he simply opened the door and got into his car.
The day just passed was confusing.
While cooperating with the County Taxation Bureau to investigate a case of corporate income tax evasion involving more than 4 million yuan, they suddenly received a notice to report the transfer to the provincial office immediately. They rushed to the provincial office in a hurry, and then walked into the office of the Economic Investigation Corps. The leader of the corps again Let’s eat together.
He didn’t say where he was going or what he was going to do.
Although he didn’t say anything, he strictly emphasized confidentiality when he got in the car.
Could it be that he was urgently transferred to a special task force to investigate some major case?
Unable to think of a reason all the way, He Jie simply stopped thinking about it and just thought about whether this was the direction to Dongping. Whether the destination of this trip was Dongping, whether he would pass through Dongping, and whether there was a chance to meet the old leader.
He didn’t say a word, and Jing Longxiang didn’t dare to ask questions