already appeared. Unlike small and medium-sized investors who are blinded by immediate interests, the super giants have the ability to affect this crisis. Judging from the news they have received, they are now ready to take action.

already appeared. Unlike small and medium-sized investors who are blinded by immediate interests, the super giants have the ability to affect this crisis. Judging from the news they have received, they are now ready to take action.
/Including Soros’s Quantum Fund, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and other giants, senior executives have secretly organized several meetings recently. Taking into account the current stable financial situation, Han Xuan speculated that those people may have carried out the meeting for the Internet bubble. Communicate and discuss.
However, he found out embarrassingly that he was excluded by his “old teammates”. They had no intention of taking him to play with them. Instead, they planned to kill him as well.
Han Xuan could guess with his buttocks that they also put their own Internet companies on the hunting list. It was hard to say whether they were angry or not. In doing business, they always put profit first. At this point, they could only
roll their eyes. Where did the financial world come from? Friendship is all a routine.
Having cooperated several times before, Han Xuan understood how difficult it was to encounter such an opponent. They were a group of vampires attached to the global economic system.
They are well versed in the rules of economic operation, will not let go of any opportunity to make money, and have huge power. Being targeted by them is not something to be happy about. However, judging from the size of the liquidity held by Han Xuan, there is no need to worry too much about it. It may even be a good thing, selling high and buying low will bring back the circulating shares in the market.
Every financial crisis is an opportunity for speculators. Even if there is no crisis, they will intervene to artificially create opportunities for themselves, such as the Asian financial crisis that broke out the year before last, and the Mexican financial crisis earlier. The shadow of promoters can be seen behind the British financial crisis and so on.
Looking at this period of time, the Clinton administration has continued to vigorously promote the development of the Internet. Various economic experts and public media have begun to advocate the bright future of the Internet, turning a blind eye to the soaring Nasdaq Composite Index. This approach is similar to that not long ago. The methods used by Soros in the Hong Kong stock market are almost identical, and the medicine and soup have not been changed.
That crisis allowed Han Xuan to make a total profit of more than 7 billion U.S. dollars. This was despite the local government’s restrictions. The Chinese mainland government also used all its foreign exchange reserves to fight the enemy, making it impossible to continue shorting the index. If it were completely let go If you do it, you will make more than 50 billion US dollars in the end.
Soros took longer to plan and invested an unprecedented amount of money. In the end, he made more money than him. I don’t know where the money was transferred. This guy’s actual wo