and it’s hard to talk to him.” “He is not an executive deputy director, let alone a director. Think of a way and fight for it. By the way, I know a leader, the leader of your city bureau. I have his phone number. He is a nice person. You can ask him for help.”

and it’s hard to talk to him.” “He is not an executive deputy director, let alone a director. Think of a way and fight for it. By the way, I know a leader, the leader of your city bureau. I have his phone number. He is a nice person. You can ask him for help.”
“Bao Shuangping, Deputy Director Bao, I have his business card.”
“Brother Wan, You know Bureau Bao, how could you possibly know our Bureau Bao!”
“Who doesn’t know a few leaders, but he, we just met him, we had a meal together, he personally went to our prison to investigate the case, to investigate our prison That’s how we met a prisoner in the district.”
“He is in charge of public security, not criminal investigation. What case did he go to your prison to investigate?” ”
So what if the person is in charge of public security? He is the deputy director! It seems to be a murder case, and his eyes and ears were used. Don’t talk nonsense, the superiors asked for confidentiality.”
The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional.
As soon as Yang Yong hung up the phone, Hao Yingliang suddenly looked up and asked, “Xiaoyong, which prison does your friend work in?”
“Which ward is he in?”
“Sixth ward.”
He was silent for a long time, then raised his head and asked, “Xiaoyong, this is Bao Shuangping. How is he?”
Yang Yong hesitated for a moment: “He is the leader of the bureau, and he is very high up. I have never dealt with him. But I heard from others that he is not a very good person. He seems to have become the deputy director through connections.”
” You have never dealt with him, but I have, and more than once. He is indeed not a very good person. It can be said that his character is extremely poor. He relies on a little power in his hands and is domineering. It has nothing to do with me how he tormented him in the Public Security Bureau, but he Targeting Mr. Yu again and again.”
“He is targeting Mr. Yu?”
“He is in charge of public security. Hotels and entertainment venues are all under his jurisdiction. You know Mr. Yu. Although she is a woman, But if you are really not afraid of power, conflicts arise. Everyone knows that Qian Zhongming is the deputy general manager of Hongfeng Company and Mr. Yu’s deputy. Bao Shuangping will definitely not miss this opportunity and will definitely take advantage of it!” ”
Qian Zhongming ! In the mining industry before the Ming Dynasty, a guy who worked for him hit someone with a loader. The accident was very clear at the time, and he seemed to have been sentenced to five years. I’m worried that Bao Shuangping will make a fuss about this and pay that guy to falsely accuse him. Zhongming, and then achieve the goal of targeting Mr. Song.”
/This news really shocked him, and he couldn’t sit still.
Yang Yong exclaimed: “I heard that Bao Shuangping can do anything and has a good background. Director Luo used to be able to do anything with him, but now Secretary Meng can’t do anything with him. If he really framed Mr. Qian, what would be Mr. Qian’s situation like? He will be in ev