‘clock, the light in the deep sea suddenly becomes dim. After a short period of excitement, people seemed a little tired, and the Cocteau Twins’ most classic dreamy song “Heaven or Las Vegas” rang in everyone’s ears at the right time. As the leader of the dream-pop music genre, Cocteau Twins uses noise, delay, echo, distortion, electric piano bows and other means to create a misty and melancholy sad atmosphere, while also revealing a strong romantic atmosphere, which is a kind of wandering in the darkness. Between it and the light, there is a beauty as cold as diamonds, which is both gorgeous and wild.

‘clock, the light in the deep sea suddenly becomes dim. After a short period of excitement, people seemed a little tired, and the Cocteau Twins’ most classic dreamy song “Heaven or Las Vegas” rang in everyone’s ears at the right time. As the leader of the dream-pop music genre, Cocteau Twins uses noise, delay, echo, distortion, electric piano bows and other means to create a misty and melancholy sad atmosphere, while also revealing a strong romantic atmosphere, which is a kind of wandering in the darkness. Between it and the light, there is a beauty as cold as diamonds, which is both gorgeous and wild.
Of course, this probably has nothing to do with the security officer, but just the DJ’s personal taste and hobbies. But it is undeniable that the business in Shenhai is so good and the quality of the women is so high, it has something to do with this DJ. In the past hour or two, Wen Liang has seen the DJ receiving gifts and drinks from many tables in the venue more than once. Needless to say, most of the guests were female. He slandered a few words, “Demo, in a few years when DJs are everywhere, you won’t even be able to eat.”
/Si Yajing drank seven or eight glasses of strong wine, and two blushes appeared on the side of her face. However, she looked fine. She supported her chin with her right hand and asked, “What song is this? It feels very strange.”
Wen Liang After singing a few words softly, Si Yajing’s English was not as good as Ye Yuting’s, but she still understood the lyrics and murmured: “Who will win? Your life is only so short.” She repeated it several times, seeming to be immersed in the world of music. After a while, he looked at Wen Liang and said, “How come you know everything?”
“That’s not true. Giving birth gives me a headache. Sister Yajing, why do you think women can give birth but men can’t? Is this sex discrimination?”
Si Yajing smiled and clinked glasses with Wen Liang again. Wen Liang was surprised by her drinking capacity. He was considered a drinker himself, but if he continued like this, he might get drunk first. I waved to the waiter and gave some instructions. After a while, a few cups were delivered to their table. Wen Liang placed a brandy glass, a spirit glass (bullet glass), and a cocktail glass in a row. Seeing Si Yajing looking at him curiously, he smiled and said, “I’ll do a magic trick for you.”
This was Wen Liang and Tan Yu The technique I learned while messing around is to pour 1 ounce of coffee nectar and Galiano liqueur into a cocktail glass, pour 0.5 ounces of Blue Orange liqueur into a spirit glass, and then pour 0.25 ounces of Grand Marnier into a brandy glass. Make a quick Ferrari. (This is also one of the few ornamental cocktails that you can make yourself in the bar without a bartender. It is very useful for making girls.)
/Wen Liang inserted the straw into the bottom of the cocktail glass, let Si Yajing hold it in her mouth, and then lit the brandy glass. , wait until you smell the aroma of the wine, put it next to the mouth of the spirit glass, and slowly pour