ide? You can’t delay studying. Tall buildings are rising from the ground, and you can’t achieve big things with little cleverness. Some things can only be learned from textbooks.”

ide? You can’t delay studying. Tall buildings are rising from the ground, and you can’t achieve big things with little cleverness. Some things can only be learned from textbooks.”
Wen Liang nodded, walked to the side and received a glass of boiling water. Wen Huaiming lay on his back. On the sofa, his right hand tapped gently on his knee, and the living room fell into silence. After a while, Wen Liang held the water glass with both hands and suddenly asked: “What happened in Shunyi?”
Wen Huaiming’s eyes suddenly opened and he asked doubtfully: “How did you know that something happened in Shunyi?”
“Xu Fuyan has been with me in the past few months. You are inseparable. There is no reason to leave you alone in Shunyi for two or three days. Something happened, but I want to give you a big vacation?”
Wen Huaiming couldn’t laugh or cry, and said: “It doesn’t matter to you.”
The man knelt in the middle of the road, holding his hand in his hand Holding a thick stack of materials, he raised it high above his head and shouted loudly that he wanted to report that so-and-so was corrupt and violated the law, and that so-and-so committed murder and injured others. There were many onlookers around, obviously they were well prepared.
/The leaders of Shunyi County who had just sent Xu Fuyan to the car were all panicked. Secretary He Kuan’s face turned dark instantly, and county magistrate Hou Weimin had big beads of sweat pouring down his forehead. Seeing that something was not going well, the director of the county party committee office immediately organized staff to force the man aside. In front of the empty county committee door, men’s cries of grievances could be heard, which added a bit of bitterness to the desolation of the winter.
Secretary Zhang Fang sat in Santana’s passenger seat and carefully looked at Xu Fuyan’s face in the rearview mirror, but could not see any emotion. But at this time, as a secretary, he should be more proactive. He turned his head and whispered: “How about I stay and inquire about the situation first?”
But if there are only these two difficulties, Zhang Fang, as the chief secretary, can do this Still a piece of cake. The main reason is that the person who complained was very good at timing. Although Xu Fuyan’s trip was not a secret, how could ordinary people know the specific itinerary of the municipal party committee secretary, let alone the exact time he would leave the county party committee, so he was stuck in traffic?
So the moment they saw this person, Xu Fuyan and Wen Huaiming were thinking about the same question: Is this a factional struggle in the county, and someone wants to give his opponent some eye drops? Or was there someone in the city who wanted to embarrass Xu Fuyan and dug a hole for him to jump into?
You can’t blame them for thinking too much. For the two people who have just experienced a life-and-death fight, Qingzhou’s banner has changed its font size, but the people of Qingzhou have not necessarily united under the banner. It is always right to be careful!