chment, I feel a lot of pressure. I worry about not doing well and living up to the expectations of our superiors. In the eyes of many people, the establishment of the technical reconnaissance detachment is to separate the technical reconnaissance brigade, and then establishing a technical reconnaissance brigade is just more complicated than before. There are a few people and a few more positions, but they can still do the same work as before. This view is wrong. In fact, it is not that simple.” The

chment, I feel a lot of pressure. I worry about not doing well and living up to the expectations of our superiors. In the eyes of many people, the establishment of the technical reconnaissance detachment is to separate the technical reconnaissance brigade, and then establishing a technical reconnaissance brigade is just more complicated than before. There are a few people and a few more positions, but they can still do the same work as before. This view is wrong. In fact, it is not that simple.” The
detachment has a total of 29 civilian police officers, including the detachment leader and cadres above the department director. As many as 17, it can be said that more than half of the detachment policemen came.
/Deputy detachment leader Liu Tie was transferred from the Development Zone Bureau, Office Director Song Xiaoshan was transferred from the Police Security Department, Political Affairs Office Director (Political Engineering Section Chief) Yao Xingkuan was transferred from the Political Department, and Technical Reconnaissance Brigade Captain Sha Hai was transferred from the Criminal Police Detachment. Jian, Teng Wenfang, director of the Technical Management Office, Peng Guixin, director of the Electronic Evidence Office, and others transferred from the Science and Technology Department had not had much dealings with the “Young Marshal”. They looked at each other and had no idea what he was referring to.
Han Bo looked back at Zhou Suying and spoke eloquently: “During my further studies in Beijing, I was fortunate to go abroad with the teachers of the teaching and research department, the leaders of the Second Institute and the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice. I visited the laboratories of my colleagues in several countries and regions, and I had a first-hand understanding of how big the gap is. Feelings. Hardware is one aspect, but more importantly, software, such as whether our business level can keep up, whether quality control is rigorous, and whether our management regulations are standardized. ”
With such good conditions and such advanced instruments and equipment, of course it must reflect Use the combat effectiveness of the technical reconnaissance detachment, otherwise tens of millions would be wasted!
Everyone reacted and could also feel the pressure on their shoulders.
/“The people here are not just experts, but also miscellaneous people. They know a little bit about physics, chemistry, and medicine. They can’t do this job without knowing it. But compared to our foreign counterparts, our technical reconnaissance detachment is more complicated.”
Han Bo looked around the crowd and said with a smile: “Don’t compare with those who are too far away, just compare with the Hong Kong counterparts that everyone is more familiar with. There are many movies and TV dramas about criminal investigation in Hong Kong, and it’s hard to even think about not being familiar with them. Their forensic department is not affiliated with the police force, but is managed by the forensic depart