es of the Panda Car. It is just a transitional model to capture the market. He will wait until his own company’s car is developed. When Han’s Automobile Company really exerts its strength.

es of the Panda Car. It is just a transitional model to capture the market. He will wait until his own company’s car is developed. When Han’s Automobile Company really exerts its strength.
The design team is designing the shape of the loong car according to the classic style of Infiniti in the future. It should be called Kylin now. I
chatted with CEO Kesten Miller for more than half an hour about the car. Regarding the content of the development progress, Han Xuan hung up the phone.
He picked up the fat cat that was rolling all over the floor and walked out. Leaving
the air-conditioned room, the heat outside at noon suddenly hit his face.
It was obvious that autumn was about to enter, Monte Liwan has suddenly become hot recently. Anya is swimming in the swimming pool. The liger Xiaobai and the black panther are squatting on the shore, watching the little donkey McDull splashing happily in the water.
/Those two guys have never been in the water and they obviously want to go in. He wanted to swim, but he didn’t dare, so he stretched out his paws to splash in the water.
/Hearing Han Xuan’s approaching footsteps, he turned around and called out.
“Come down and swim together?” ”
wiped the water droplets from her face and asked Han Xuan.
She was wearing a white one-piece swimsuit. She has just grown up and has an almost flat figure. The word “sexy” has nothing to do with it.
“No, let Jigglypuff swim with you. I sprained my foot when I was riding a horse yesterday, and it still hurts. ”
Han Xuan put Jigglypuff on the ground, looked around, and said, “Where did the minibus go?”
“Inside the Giant Sequoia Forest. I just saw it going in with Pooh. Don’t worry, Mr. Elner is taking care of it. Their
swimming pool stretches all the way to the edge of the cliff.
When Han Xuan turned his head to look at the coast, he suddenly discovered a group of tall women wearing various bikinis, walking on the beach, sunbathing, and swimming. Each one had a better figure than the other.
It was too far away to see who it was, so he turned around and asked Secretary Dawson: “Why are those people here?”
The Gamble Sea Ranch is a private beach and is not open to the public like the resort next door, so Han Xuan was curious.
“Your grandma arranged to come here. They just arrived this morning. These are the models signed by Victoria’s Secret, the same angels who walked the show on Christmas Eve last year.”
Dawson waved his hand, not knowing which one to say hello to, with an unusual smile on his face. brilliant.
Han Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly and smelled something unusual. Dawson should have never had contact with them before.
It seems that this morning, this handsome secretary who recently had sex has already gone to hook up with them. He
is also acquainted with the Victoria’s Secret supermodels. They came to Gumball Ocean Ranch for vacation, and Han Xuan naturally wanted to receive them.
Now these models are the money-making tools of Whoops Group. Since the catwalk show was held last Christmas, they ha