g that, he ran into the rain wearing only a vest, stepped on the mud everywhere, and escorted all the remaining children to the house safely, and then hurriedly ran to the place where Song Wan fell.

g that, he ran into the rain wearing only a vest, stepped on the mud everywhere, and escorted all the remaining children to the house safely, and then hurriedly ran to the place where Song Wan fell.
“Song Wan, Song Wan!”
The wonders of the world often lie in this!
Ren Yi ran to Song Wan, gasping for air, and said, “Come on, let me carry you!”
“It doesn’t matter, I should still be able to walk.”
The clothes on Song Wan’s body were already stuck to her body. Although they were not transparent, it would still be too intimate if Ren Yi carried them. Seeing Song Wan’s slightly shy look, Ren Yi instantly understood that even though he was usually more wretched than Uncle Wen, he was actually a giant in theory and still a young man in practice. He hurriedly took two steps to the side, even his face was pale. famous.
Song Wan didn’t expect Ren Yi’s reaction to be so big. She was a little angry and funny. She stretched out her hand and said: “Hey, help me.” “Oh
, oh, okay!”
Ren Yi clumsily held Song Wan’s arm and pulled her body. He opened a little distance and looked ahead firmly. The rain was so heavy, but his ears were burning. Song Wan felt the power coming from his hand, limping along, and glanced sideways at him as if inadvertently, with a cute smile on her lips.
When we sat down in the house, the enthusiastic host helped to boil hot water and asked the children to scrub them clean. He also specially made ginger soup and gave each person a bowl to prevent colds. After Ren Yi finished his work without touching the ground, he turned around and saw Song Wan sitting on a stool under the eaves, with two little girls nestled in her arms. Together they stretched out their hands to catch the raindrops falling from the sky, with pure expressions on their faces. His smile has an indescribable harmony and warmth.
Ren Yi stared at this scene blankly, with only one thought in his mind. If he could protect this kind girl forever, he would be willing to give everything he had!
“Ren Yi!”
Ren Yi woke up with a start. Song Wan was waving to him, hurriedly walked over, and asked with concern: “What’s wrong? Do your feet still hurt? The rain in August comes and goes quickly. Wait for the rain.” Let’s go back to the city and go to the hospital for a checkup. It’ll be fine, don’t worry.” Before
Song Wan could say anything, Ren Yi started chattering. Song Wan waited quietly for him to finish, and said with a chuckle: “No. My feet hurt.”
“Uh!” Ren Yi scratched his head in embarrassment and said, “Am I too wordy?”
Song Wan made a gesture to the little girl in her arms without comment, and waited for them to run away with a smile, pointing. The chair next to him said: “Sit down, we’ve known each other for so long, it seems like we haven’t chatted alone yet.”
/Ren Yi was a little flattered, and sat down with his butt next to half of the chair, his back straight, which almost made Song Wan laugh. He laughed and said: “It’s not military training, can you relax a little? If you keep doing this, I don’t know what to say.