t enough. Suppression can only temporarily make them surrender. If you want to make them truly obedient, you must show their true abilities. Rumors are just rumors after all. Only when they truly feel how powerful they are will they truly be obedient!

t enough. Suppression can only temporarily make them surrender. If you want to make them truly obedient, you must show their true abilities. Rumors are just rumors after all. Only when they truly feel how powerful they are will they truly be obedient!
So Yin Kuang glanced at Li Shuangmu, then put away his firearm and walked out of the position with the green sword in hand!
Yin Kuang walked out of the position, his body wrapped in manic purple flames. This immediately attracted everyone’s attention. However, after Li Shuangmu shouted loudly, everyone recovered in an instant. The roars of the guns became more intensive. It seemed that everyone’s fighting spirit was much higher than before. And the noisy and complaining voices in the shared consciousness are also much quieter.
Obviously, Yin Kuang’s action of standing up not only inspired everyone, but also gave them a dose of sedative.
“Passionate fire spirit, the blazing fire hidden in the abyss of the earth, respond to my call, lend me your power, expel the endless burning darkness, burn my enemies with explosive sparks!” A fire magic woman He waved his wand vigorously, and immediately saw five fireballs with a diameter of one meter formed in the sky, and then fell down with long tails, smashing into the swarm of insects, and set off a wave of insect corpses.
/“Kill these bugs!” A red-faced boy said loudly, and actually took out a six-barrel Gatling gun, one on the left and one on the right, with a total of twelve barrels, whizzing around and spitting out bullets. . The muscles in his chest were also stretched high because of his excessive exertion.
“Hey! Give them a big pineapple!” Another boy was not to be outdone. He rounded his hands, and soon a yellow pineapple-shaped sphere appeared in his hands. He kissed the “big pineapple” hard, then threw it out and fell into the insect tide. Then there was a “boom”, and orange flames exploded, blasting large swaths of insects to pieces.
Everyone got into trouble one after another and used all kinds of special skills. Thinking about it, they wanted to take this opportunity to show their faces in front of Yin Kuang and Li Shuangmu. Why did everyone suddenly become so active? Because everyone has their own calculations, and everyone will do what is beneficial to themselves. Because at this moment, Yin Kuang is about to show his strength! If Yin Kuang shows strong strength and they don’t express anything, then Yin Kuang will definitely be one step ahead of them, and their “power” will be weak. Therefore, if they want to take this opportunity to show off their talents in order to improve their “power”, of course it is not to compare with Yin Kuang, Li Shuangmu and the others, as long as they are one head taller than others, right?
After a period of indiscriminate bombardment, several insect-free “isolated islands” appeared among the pests.
At the same time, Yin Kuang also approached the insect swarm.
The Mantis War Bug is the most cannon fodder character among the Zerg. It is full of destructive power and has a