often meet business tycoons from various industries. There are not many celebrities who have the ability to buy a house here.

often meet business tycoons from various industries. There are not many celebrities who have the ability to buy a house here.
After sleeping enough on the plane, taking a shower and changing clothes, Han Xuan had nothing to do, so he grabbed Anya and Prince William, who was on summer vacation, and planned to go to XXOO bar together.
This trendy bar has recently officially landed in London, England. He is tired of seeing the Tower of London and the Thames. This is the only entertainment method he can think of at the moment.
Prince William lives in London. He learned from the phone that Han Xuan was going to take him to the bar. He arrived in just half an hour and even combed his hair deliberately. Prince Harry also followed. Both of them were wearing casual black suits. , with a white shirt inside.
While in the car, William kept mumbling about looking for an affair, and Harry was also very excited. These two guys were so grown up that they were usually under strict control. They couldn’t even go to a fraternity party, let alone a bar with a chaotic environment. .
/Two XXOO bars have opened in London this time, located in Soho and on the banks of the Thames.
/The restaurant they went to tonight is on the banks of the Thames, close to Notre Dame Cathedral. The
“Notre Dame cathedral” mentioned here is not the church in Paris, France, but a restaurant that just opened in the early 1990s. Very large bar.
The boss is Howard, the former CEO of Sony Records. He has enough resources and will invite singers from the company to perform from time to time, including Michael Jackson, Madonna, Celine Dion and others who have given him face and have performed. Therefore It quickly gained fame among young people and has recently become one of the hottest bars in London.
History has changed due to the arrival of Han Xuan. In the previous life, there was no such bar on the Thames River. Maybe in this life, Mr. Howard got excited and thought about opening a bar, and then chose to open a bar here. This world has already It has become very different from the previous life.
The reason why it is said to be “one of the most popular bars” is because this historic city is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. There are many bars with hundreds of years of history. The earliest one opened more than 900 years ago, and the business continues until today.
There is also an old tavern where Marx, Byron, Dickens and others were frequent visitors in history, and many world-famous works were written in the tavern.
In the eyes of old Londoners, bars like NDC and XXOO are all inferior goods, with no heritage or characteristics at all. However, Han Xuan doesn’t care about those, the heritage is accumulated over time, and now he only needs the bar to make money. .
The building where the XXOO bar is located was originally a warehouse of a local supermarket. The exterior wall tiles were painted black, and then sprayed with a lot of graffiti with various colors of paint. It is quite unique, although it does not look shabby. Becaus