accelerates the penetration rate with the pressure. Traces of real mercury seep out from the meridians and enter the bones, internal organs, muscles, blood vessels, etc.

Even the blood pumped from the heart continues to turn silver under the penetration of real mercury.
This is a rapid transformation process.
/Even Wei Xiaobei didn’t expect that with the improvement of health attributes, this transformation would be so fast.
Later, the sweat beads on Wei Xiaobei’s skin were filled with traces of silver, but after a while, the silver would penetrate into his body.
With the passage of time and the consumption of evolution points, the health attribute is gradually approaching the 80-point mark.
Cell activity has increased to a very high level at this time.
If you put Wei Xiaobei’s body tissue under an electron microscope, you will find that its cells divide very quickly, basically dividing once every minute.
But the problem is that even with this splitting speed, Wei Xiaobei’s height, weight, etc. have not increased.
Instead, some cells have an interruption every five times they divide, resulting in polyploid cells.
As a result, these cells divide for a period of time, and after the division is stopped, it is unknown how many times.
However, these polyploid cells did not seem to cause much harm to Wei Xiaobei’s body.
The health attribute has finally been increased to 80 points!
Wei Xiaobei withdrew his attention, lowered his mind, and checked his body. There seemed to be some changes inside his body.
Even with his eyes closed, Wei Xiaobei could feel that his body was filled with endless vitality.
But then, Wei Xiaobei looked at the attribute table and was a little surprised.
After the health attribute reaches 80 points, the ability to regenerate severed limbs disappears.
This is not surprising. The muscles that were previously under the strength attribute disappeared after their physical strength reached 80 points.
But there is one problem. The ability to regenerate severed limbs has disappeared. What replaces it is not extraordinary, but a question mark!
/question mark?
Wei Xiaobei thought for a while and focused his attention on the question mark, and then a large amount of information was generated in Wei Xiaobei’s mind.
After a while, Wei Xiaobei came back to his senses, his expression looking extremely strange.
There is a lot of information, and if I explained it one by one, I am afraid I could write a book directly.
In the final analysis, in one sentence, the question mark is actually the attribute additional ability that has not yet been selected.
In this way, maybe everyone doesn’t quite understand.
To put it bluntly, it was an inexplicable reason. Wei Xiaobei seriously suspected that it had something to do with Zhuzi. The information in the question mark provided Wei Xiaobei with two choices.
One is that it is otherworldly, and its recovery ability is completely out of the scope of mortals. As for the benefits, you probably need to think about it slowly after making a choice.
The seco

“He’s just a mortal. If we meet him again next time, I’ll just slap him to death!”

“Well, his dagger is a good thing. I hope to meet him soon.” Another person said with a sneer, his eyes bright.
The three of them walked into the mountain forest.
He turned back, looked at the land, stared at their backs, and said: “This is forcing me to set foot in the extraordinary realm, and I will settle my accounts with you soon!”
The breeze blows on the mountain, and the large area of ??green bamboo rustles in the wind. The bamboo sea is fresh and vital.
There was a faint smell of blood floating in the forest. Wang Xuan sat there with his upper body naked, carefully checking the injuries with his spiritual realm.
There was a bloody hole in his chest, four terrible gashes appeared in the right lung lobe, and the entire body was torn apart. The flesh and blood on the back were torn, and the ribs were vaguely visible.
He silently reflected that since he embarked on the old path, although there have been thrills, it has never been so tragic. There was no direct contact, and he was almost shot from across the sky.
Was he careless? No, he was very cautious and gave advance warning to escape.
Zhao Qinghan crushed the remaining elixirs and applied them to Wang Xuan’s external wounds. These injuries were very serious, but what was more serious were the internal injuries, with the organs broken into several pieces.
If he were an ordinary person, he would definitely die.
“Don’t think too much, heal the injury first.” She carefully bandaged Wang Xuan.
Grandmaster Ma was grunting not far away. There were blood holes in his wings and legs. He was in pain and kept making horse noises. He must be cursing.
It has completely remembered the person who shot him. When the groom feeds him to the extraordinary level, it will definitely go to find that person and make horse-trampling meat sauce!
Zhao Qinghan walked over and applied the remaining elixir to its body.
“It’s dangerous and dangerous.” Wang Xuan sighed, for the rest of his life, if he hadn’t been blocked by the golden body technique, and if Zhang Daoling hadn’t used Zhang Daoling’s physical skills to wipe out most of the runes on the arrow feathers, he would have been shot to pieces!
/He deeply understood the gap between himself and the extraordinary. Even if his body was already at the pinnacle of mortals, it still could not stop the power of that realm.
Perhaps, he is not considered the pinnacle of mortals?
“There is a black prison crow flying away in the mountain forest in the distance!” Zhao Qinghan said, standing outside the bamboo forest and looking at the distant mountain forest.
/The leader of the crow group is at the quasi-grandmaster level. This kind of gregarious raptor not only hunts prey but also eats carrion. It will pounce on corpses when it sees them.
“There are also some monsters escaping in the mountains on the adjacent side.” Zhao Qinghan observed meticulously, and there was usually no major movement in those two areas.
Wang Xuan stood up, and when he s

g returned to the tip of the gun and dissipated in the air, Wei Xiaobei was somewhat shocked to find that the poisonous dragon in his hand had become smaller, only less than twenty centimeters.

This, this, this, this amount, is probably only enough to make a plate of dishes.
Fortunately, although the poisonous dragon became smaller, as Wei Xiaobei peeled off its outer skin, he found that the quality of the meat inside had not decreased.
After spending some time to deal with all the poisonous dragons, giant sharks and even the hydra, Wei Xiaobei took a rest.
If you cook such top-quality ingredients in a hurry, the results may not be good.
Therefore, he needed to rest and adjust his state. For this reason, Wei Xiaobei stood still for a while to adjust his state of mind to the most suitable state, and then started cooking.
I won’t go into detail about the cooking process during this period.
Cut the poisonous dragon meat into dices and put it into the pot, add sea pepper shells and stir-fry, stir-fry the diced dragon meat all at once, it’s a fairy-quality dish.
The giant shark meat, even though Wei Xiaobei had carefully processed it several times, still had an indelible smell of urine. There were five dishes in total, but among these five dishes, there was only one immortal dish, and the rest were all It’s a treasure.
It can be seen that this shark meat, no matter what kind of shark it is, is not a good ingredient.
/Instead, it was the shark fin of a giant shark. Wei Xiaobei made a stew of abalone and shark fin. Well, the abalone was picked by Wei Xiaobei from the sea before. Although it is not a treasure in the gray world, in reality, why? It’s even half abalone!
What surprised Wei Xiaobei was that just when the abalone and shark fin stew was about to come out of the pot, something strange happened.
The unique aroma of abalone suddenly disappeared, and Wei Xiaobei could even see that the steam seeping out from the edge of the pot lid seemed to be sucked by something, and slowly returned from the gap.
This made Wei Xiaobei feel inexplicably excited. Wei Xiaobei had encountered this situation once before.
It was that time when I cooked dishes for Ao Yan, I cooked something as spiritual as the Rhythm of Food.
However, the Rhythm of Food was not something to be trifled with, and it almost killed Wei Xiaobei at that time.
Ao Yan, who was still gluttonous, took action and sucked away the food charm and swallowed it.
Well, I have to say that the Food Rhythm incident brought a little psychological shadow to Wei Xiaobei.
However, Wei Xiaobei still had some confidence in his heart. He was much more powerful than before. In any case, he should have no problem escaping by himself.
Of course, just in case, Wei Xiaobei even activated the ability of intuitive reproduction.
/You should know that because the ability to reproduce intuition consumes a lot of energy, it can only be reproduced for a short time, which is extremely useless. Therefore, after Wei Xiaobei obtained this ability, he tested it several times at

onks. Although you are a clone, you can still point out a way for Mu.”

Halfway through the words, the Winged Fire Snake was immediately stunned.
The reason is simple. When he said the words ‘Mahayana Period’, Yibo Yuntian Zhang Yuelu stood decisively opposite him, with an indignant look on his face and eyes spitting fire as if he had a life-or-death feud with him.
“Bai Yejun, you and I have been friends for eight hundred years. How can you abandon me?” The Winged Fire Snake was furious.
“Those who have attained the Dao will get more help, while those who have lost the Dao will have little help. Whatever the reason, you can go there yourself!” Zhang Yuelu said with disdain.
“She’s just a clone, what are you afraid of?”
I’m afraid that her real body will come to the door!
Zhang Yuelu gave an answer in his heart. A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. It was true that he had some friendship with the Winged Fire Snake, but that was the end of it.
/The war started again and became intense in an instant. The Winged Fire Snakes singled out three of them at a time and fell into a disadvantage in the blink of an eye.
On the surface of the secret realm, Lu Bei hurriedly searched for the golden-scaled snake and followed the route to find the cliff.
Seeing the four unconscious carts, he frowned slightly and punched each one, unable to remain silent. Without a victory judgment, there was no experience gained.
Today is different from the past. Today he is Xinyuehu, not the loyal and patriotic leader of the Tianjian Sect. Picking up four large carts in exchange for money will only expose his identity, so he simply pretends not to have seen it.
“Di Tu Raccoon is a Buddhist cultivator from the ancient Xiongchu family. He released King Yuanxuan when he went to the lake to rush into the lake. The secret realm is located in Xiongchu. Although he is the tomb keeper, his actions are reasonable.”
Lu Bei quickly speculated and threw it away. At the moment, he didn’t care about Xiongchu’s cart, he just wanted to know where She Zhang went.
“Where did my big Sister She and my lovely Snake go?”
There were no traces of fighting at the scene. The four kings of Yuanxuan rushed to the street and the aura of the golden-scaled snake disappeared here.
Lu Bei sorted through the clues, and a possibility suddenly popped into his mind: “That person said that the opportunity had been taken away by someone else. It was not Xiong Chu, but Sister She.”
“No way, why is she always there?”
Lu Bei was stunned. He knew that She Zhang was pale, but luck should have a limit. She couldn’t taste the benefits every time.
It’s just speculation. Without evidence, it can’t be concluded.
Lu Bei was worried about one person and one snake, so he closed his eyes to sense it.
He and She Zhang were both spiritual and physical, and were bound by the Yin and Yang clutching technique. After sensing for a moment, they only determined that She Zhang was in the secret realm, and the specific location
Not on the surface, nor on the inside.
“No, how did they g

s within the scope of the United States, there is nothing we can do.

After solving this matter, Wei Xiaobei thought about it and temporarily put aside the improvement of his ability to release electric current.
It would be too wasteful to use evolution points to improve the current light.
Just think about the hybrid dragon goldfish. It only needs to keep releasing lightning towards Wei Xiaobei, and its ability to release electricity will slowly increase. Although the lightning of the hybrid dragon goldfish is of no use to Wei Xiaobei now, the gray Is the only monster in the world that can release lightning, like the hybrid dragon goldfish?
After calculating in various directions, Wei Xiaobei finally discovered that there was only one skill left that he could improve.
Although he wasn’t too interested in this skill, Wei Xiaobei didn’t mind wasting some evolution points. After all, any improvement in skills seemed to be beneficial.
200 evolution points invested!
The fishing skills of entering the house were subsequently improved and became honed.
By this time, all the fishing-related knowledge that Wei Xiaobei had read before came to mind, even stopping some formulas that the two of them were calculating in their minds.
After the color of the fishing skill stabilized at yellow, Wei Xiaobei no longer had time to worry about those interrupted formulas.
After the fishing skill is promoted to Tempered, there is a promotion requirement.
Fish 1000 fish of any kind.
Catch 1,000 fish?
The appearance of this promotion request made Wei Xiaobei feel happy.
You must know that all skills that have promotion requirements are very powerful or very useful in the later stage.
Such as cooking and so on.
/Now, Wei Xiaobei looked at the sky. It was around three o’clock in the afternoon. Weijia Island, which is located in the subtropical climate area, was undoubtedly sunny and warm at this time.
To put it simply, if ordinary people wear sunscreen and stand in the sun, they will probably get sunburned in less than an hour.
But the core disciples on Wei Family Island saw the island owner Wei Xiaobei walking towards the north with heavy steps, carrying a set of fishing equipment.
Heavy steps are necessary.
For Wei Xiaobei, if he wants to lose weight, it is easier to control it. After all, Wei Xiaobei’s weight was as light as a swallow before, but if he wants to gain weight to the extent he needs, at the same time It is more difficult to adapt to this change in an instant.
Therefore, in order to adapt to this change in weight, Wei Xiaobei simply decided to adapt by constantly changing his weight in his daily life.
Therefore, anyone who sees Wei Xiaobei will be extremely surprised to find that there seems to be something wrong with the way Wei Xiaobei walks.
As soon as he stepped down, most of his foot was sunk, and the next moment, his foot landed on the soft soil without leaving a single footprint.
In this way, Wei Xiaobei walked towards the northern part of Weijia Island, one foot deep and one foot shallow.

like tea.

Palace Master Yan was unmoved, knowing full well who was the boss here. After observing for a while, he said, “I can see the Luan bird in the picture, as well as the incomplete image of the Five Elements.”
“Except for birds, there is no humanoid creature with arms and legs?”
Yan Xiaoshuang shook her head, and there was a creature in front of her. At first glance, it looked very similar to a human being.
/Lu Bei waved his hand to cool off Yan Xiaoshuang. He walked around in front of the visualization chart, thinking about more possibilities, and then overturned them one by one.
Behind the scenes, the two Han Miaojun were in love with each other as sisters, and they were sarcastic about the newcomer Yan Xiaoshuang.
For a time, the tea energy in the underground palace exploded, reaching another level.
Yan Xiaoshuang squeezed the hand hidden in her sleeve tightly, closed her eyes and ignored it. She couldn’t help it anymore, so she took a step forward and leaned towards Lu Bei.
This time, the aroma of tea became stronger.
/Standing about two meters tall, the golden-winged roc has a slender figure with perfect proportions and a very masculine look. The facial features can be seen as a bit of a pretty face.
It stands to reason that this is a beautiful man whose legs the elder sisters can’t hold together after seeing him, but the three palace masters all lack interest. Two are fighting in a maze, while the other is swallowing his anger and silently talking about thirty years of Hedong.
Lu Bei switched to the demon body, his golden eagle eyes were powerful, suddenly burst into bright light, and he looked steadily towards the visualization map.
Within sight, not a single part of the Immortal Palace remained, with broken walls and ruins everywhere. The flowing clouds and thousands of falling purple clouds were also mottled and gray at the moment, and the ruins were full of desolation and loneliness.
The immortals fell, and meteors fell straight into the world.
The broken fairy world collapsed into fragments and scattered bit by bit into the human world.
The sky-covering giant claws pressed down, catching the fleeing immortal beings. Among the several rare treasures that were taken away, the figure of the Luan Bird was prominently among them.
The scene faded, and Lu Bei remained motionless, the corners of his eyes unable to stop twitching.
If, he meant what if, the Broken Demon Clan in the Immortal Realm contributed a large part of their efforts, the victor would enjoy merit medals and trophies, and Luanniao would be one of them.
Oh my god, the pure love God of War obviously doesn’t want this.
Lu Bei raised his hands to cover his face, and he probably understood why Luanniao, as a member of the immortal world, inherited the techniques that would be of great benefit to the demon clan.
If possible, he hoped that he would think less.
The truth is that the visualization map has been tampered with by the demon clan, and the benefits have been taken away from it.
Well, it seems that there is no differenc


Translated into Chinese, it is: flower mushroom, three-hour growth cycle, slightly poisonous, the strongman in the mushroom plain
Well, I have to say that Wei Xiaobei felt a little headache.
How can the altar of life be modified and adjusted with DNA like this?
If the Phoenix’s genes can be completely cracked even after spending a lot of time, then even if the mushroom’s genes are completely cracked, the Life Altar cannot use its genes to cultivate organisms.
This is a completely different life form.
But then again, this is just because the current altar of life cannot use its genes.
If the Altar of Life continues to advance, there may be some hope.
Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei recorded the small dots of the animated mushroom into the gene bank.
Although it is impossible to crack and exploit now, it may not be possible in the future.
At this time, the common people following Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma Wolf sent back a message.
In an instant, Wei Xiaobei established a spiritual connection with the Napu people.
Then, the images formed by the eyes of the people following Little Red Riding Hood appeared in Wei Xiaobei’s mind.
However, the scene formed by several pairs of eyes appears in the mind, which is quite three-dimensional, as if several three-dimensional cameras are running.
Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma Wolf had now returned to a big yellow house.
A group of big mushrooms about the same height as people quickly ran out of the big yellow house. These big mushrooms were wearing tuxedos. They cheered when they saw Little Red Riding Hood and stepped forward to serve Little Red Riding Hood.
Some mushrooms climbed up on Little Red Riding Hood’s shoulders to help clean the dust, some were responsible for the chest and back, and two big mushrooms were responsible for guiding the way in front. The last big mushroom used a rope to tie Grandma Wolf up and tie it. On the fence in front of the big house.
Not long after, shrill screams came from the big yellow house and thick smoke rose from the chimney.
A strange fragrance drifted into the nostrils of ordinary people.
There is no doubt that this big house is the residence of Little Red Riding Hood.
There was no point in staying here anymore. Wei Xiaobei thought for a moment and then asked the Napu people to carry Mesi on his back and leave along the route left by the Napu people.
Not long after Wei Xiaobei moved forward, some mushrooms in the flower field began to move.
At this point, these mushrooms should be mature.
However, compared to the mushrooms in Fairy Tale Port, the newly born mushrooms here are not that aggressive. Only some mushrooms that appeared on the way forward were interested in Wei Xiaobei and rushed towards him screaming.
The number of these mushrooms was relatively small, so Wei Xiaobei could easily crush them.
/Just the strong wind caused by the rapid thrust of the ink gun can tear these mushrooms into pieces.
However, after these mushrooms were torn apart by the wind, a special smell was released that lu

passing by.

Just looking at the size of this shark fishing camp, we can tell that Zhao Tong has done a good job during this period.
/When he reached the entrance of the shark fishing camp, Zhao Tong rushed out to welcome him. When he saw Wei Xiaobei, he hurriedly raised his hands: “Second uncle, are you here?”
“Well, where’s your dad?”
“It’s over there at the camp.”
After some exchanges, Wei Xiaobei learned that after Ao Huo, the ninth prince of the South China Sea, defected to Ao Yan, he had nothing to do for a day. When he saw Zhao Tong and his people fishing at sea, he simply helped to collect the fish in the surrounding waters. They were driven over, which saved the shark fishing camp a lot of effort.
Of course, this is also because the aquarium in this chaotic sea area has nothing to do with him. If it is the fish school in the South China Sea, it will definitely not work.
Zhao Tong is now the captain of the shark fishing camp and has a lot of official duties, so he can’t accompany Xiaobei much.
After Wei Xiaobei said goodbye, he went straight to the desert.
I haven’t seen Ao Yan for a while, and Wei Xiaobei misses him more or less.
The desert has become even hotter. The temperature may have exceeded 70 degrees, and the surface temperature has exceeded 80 degrees. It is almost impossible for ordinary humans to survive here.
When Wei Xiaobei saw a lava lake appear, a red light flew over and landed on Wei Xiaobei’s shoulder in the blink of an eye.
But it was Xiao Hong.
Compared with before, Xiaohong seemed to be redder to Wei Xiaobei now.
It should be that his strength has improved.
However, Wei Xiaobei’s omniscience was of no use to Xiao Hong. Wei Xiaobei had known this before.
/Near the magma lake, Wei Xiaobei did not find Ao Yan’s huge body, only a stone house.
As Wei Xiaobei walked over, not long after, a young man ran out from the stone house. Well, he looked younger than Zhao Guang, only eleven years old at most. He had a pair of small little eyes on his forehead. Dragon Horn, with a fire dragon tattoo on his forehead, and wearing fiery red costume.
However, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but be startled by the familiar aura radiating from this young man, and then asked hesitantly: “Are you Ao Yan? How did you become a human?”
This kind of aura coming from the soul level is difficult to deceive, so Wei Xiaobei immediately confirmed the other party’s identity.
The boy-like Ao Yan looked very excited and lively, and nodded: “Wei Xiaobei, why did it take you so long to come back? It’s so boring here!”
After saying that, Ao Yan pulled Wei Xiaobei into the stone house.
Well, to be precise, this is a suite with two bedrooms, one living room and one kitchen.
Kitchen, yes, Ao Yan directly pulled Wei Xiaobei into the kitchen, and then looked at Wei Xiaobei with his big bright eyes: “I’m hungry.”
Well, Ao Yan was probably used to Wei Xiaobei being his chef.
Wei Xiaobei looked at the iron pot that had been burned into strange shapes by the fire, and the stove that was half turned into magma and then s

red Xiao Hong out of her deep sleep.

Xiaohong poked her head out of her pocket and saw the mushrooms rushing towards Wei Xiaobei. She couldn’t help but chirped happily, then rushed out of her pocket and turned into a red line, constantly passing over the ground, hunting for prey. Pick up those mushrooms.
Seeing Xiaohong regaining consciousness, Wei Xiaobei didn’t leave in a hurry.
Anyway, it is unlikely that Little Red Riding Hood’s big house will disappear. Instead, it is better to let Little Red Riding Hood replenish her nutrition at this time, so that she can use her strength to deal with Little Red Riding Hood later.
/To deal with these animated creatures, it would be great if Ao Yan could come over.
With Ao Yan’s strength, if nothing else, if he lay down there, the high temperature generated by his body would be enough to form a magma lake around him. Those animated creatures would not be Ao Yan’s opponent at all.
Although Xiao Hong is also very powerful, he is only in his infancy after all. Judging from previous experience, it may take a while for him to recover after using his ultimate move. Compared to the high temperature that Ao Yan releases all the time, there is still a lot of trouble. difference.
Xiaohong’s speed was very fast. She drew a circle around Wei Xiaobei and continued to extend outwards. The mushrooms disappeared after the red line passed by.
In less than a minute, all the mushrooms within a 500-meter radius of Wei Xiaobei disappeared.
Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei sighed a little.
/This little red’s appetite is really scary.
If all the animated creatures of Nieros are killed in the future, it will be hard to find food for Xiao Hong.
Compared to Wei Xiaobei’s sigh, Metz, who was being carried on Pu Ren’s back, was already dumbfounded.
She didn’t know what the red line was at all, but she could see that the red line kept destroying the mushrooms.
In her heart, Wei Xiaobei was so powerful. His various mysterious and weird methods had shocked her to the point where she didn’t know what to say. Her eyes when she looked at Wei Xiaobei were filled with admiration, awe and even a hint of admiration. .
After all the mushrooms within a kilometer radius of Wei Xiaobei were wiped out, Xiao Hong landed on Wei Xiaobei’s shoulder with some lingering thoughts. He jumped twice to show that he had recovered, and then lay down. , combing its feathers with its short beak from time to time.
Seeing that Xiaohong had recovered, Wei Xiaobei felt relieved.
Along the way, the number of mushrooms around them continued to decrease. When Wei Xiaobei saw the big yellow house from a distance, there were no mushrooms around.
There was only a large yellow European-style house standing alone on this small piece of plain, with several large mushrooms wandering around.
Let Mei Si and Pu Ren wait on a hilltop while Wei Xiaobei lurked towards the big yellow house alone.
What surprised Wei Xiaobei was that the security around this big house was extremely loose. The big mushrooms wandering around had no sense of s

es did not change much after absorbing the green aura.

But the aura of life they appeared in Wei Xiaobei’s eyes was slowly changing.
This so-called halo of life is actually the brilliance of living things in Wei Xiaobei’s eyes.
/The stronger the creature, the stronger the life aura outside its body. For example, the seraph, in Wei Xiaobei’s eyes, is just a dazzling white ball of light!
As for ordinary insects, the aura of life on their bodies is almost invisible.
Seeing that these soul fragments were indeed useful after being sent into space, Wei Xiaobei immediately recorded the creatures that had absorbed the green aura and let Fireball observe their changes at any time.
“I’ll rest here today.”
Wei Xiaobei did not enter the wooden houses that looked like they were about to collapse. Instead, he chose an open space and took out an iron pot, some food, and drinking water from the storage ring.
The needle girl was smarter now. When she saw that Wei Xiaobei had decided to camp, she immediately went to collect some firewood, lit a bonfire in the open space, placed an iron pot on it, poured in drinking water, and put in food , and started cooking seriously.
There were probably only those ghosts in this abandoned fishing village. Wei Xiaobei then walked around the fishing village and found no more ghosts.
When Wei Xiaobei returned to the clearing, the needle girl had already cooked a steaming pot of oden.
Well, this oden is a unique food in Japan.
To put it bluntly, it means putting the ingredients in separate iron lattice pots and slowly simmering them with the soup stock.
Of course, this needle girl’s method is closer to a big stew.
Fish caught from the sea, wild vegetables found in the wild, and even Wei Xiaobei’s barbecue, etc. were put together in the pot, and the fire burned fiercely!
Wei Xiaobei’s nose twitched. Naturally, this big pot of stew was not as good as the dishes he made.
But I have to say that this needle girl still has some talent for cooking. She makes a big stew and cooks it well.
Of course, this is also because of Wei Xiaobei’s barbecue.
In any case, having food to eat without having to do anything by himself made Wei Xiaobei feel more at ease.
/No wonder that in ancient times, wealthy families liked to hire a group of servants to serve them.
If Wei Xiaobei was the one cooking the food, no matter how good the taste was, Wei Xiaobei would not feel too happy.
She’s just a needle girl, but she still has to wait on her?
But perhaps it was the aroma of the food that spread out. Before Wei Xiaobei took a few bites, the sound of a large group of footsteps could be heard outside the fishing village.
They were a group of little ghosts. The so-called little ghosts were small animals that mutated towards the ghosts under the influence of the ghosts.
For example, the raccoon cat in Japanese ghost mythology that likes to play tricks on people is one example.
However, the little ghost that was attracted by the smell of food at this time was not a harmless ghost like a tanuki.
There are even