ame more and more obvious.

ame more and more obvious.
“I’ve tried them all,” Li Yongsheng turned his head and smiled, “Boss Zhu is the only one left now.” ”
This is my person, I won’t try!” Boss Zhu shook his head vigorously, “This request is unreasonable. ”
Mr. Kong snorted coldly, “You’d better give it a try.”
Gu Jiaoyu was more direct. He stepped forward, glared at the other person, and laughed evilly, “Are you used to running wild in Bobenyuan?” ”
Then then. Let’s try it.” Boss Zhu was also angry and stepped forward to gently touch the other person’s wrist.
The wounded man shook his wrist, a stream of blood broke through the scab, and an arrow seemed to shoot out.
“Nah,” everyone present was petrified.
“It’s not me,” Boss Zhu yelled and turned around and ran away, his reaction was unusually quick.
“You came back from labor,” Gu Jiaoyu jumped forward, shook his hands and wrapped the other party with a white light, “I was there when I poured sewage on our hospital, and now you want to run away?” Si
Xiushen, who came with Boss Zhu, He moved, as if he wanted to stop him, but in the end he didn’t do anything.
/Kong Zongyu glanced at Li Yongsheng curiously, “How much blood is enough for this blood citation?”
Li Yongsheng pondered for a moment, “It’s hard to say, the blood citation should depend on the genre, but I feel like it should be half a bowl anyway? ”
Chapter 65: Who plotted against whom
? “Half a bowl?” Upon hearing this, Boss Zhu jumped up and down, “You want me to bleed half a bowl of blood?”
Everyone in the room didn’t say anything, they just watched quietly. he.
Boss Zhu was so angry that he was trembling all over. He was a person who cared about his body, and half a bowl of blood was enough to severely damage his vitality.
But no matter how angry he was, others ignored him. After he calmed down, he looked around and sighed depressedly, “Then I understand. I will take the person away and find another blood bait. It is nothing more than spending money to buy blood.” .”
“Don’t be stupid,” Gu Suifeng spoke up, looking at him as if he was looking at an idiot.
Gu Jiaoyu’s knowledge is not extensive, but he has heard of Wu cultivators using blood to awaken people. “There can only be one suitable blood guide, and there is no second one. Mr. Kong, I’m right.” Right?”
Kong Shujie’s expression was very strange, her face was tense, as if she was contemplating something, but also as if she was suppressing a smile.
Hearing this, she nodded slightly, “Yes, the secret technique of blood inducing can only be unlocked by specific people.”
Boss Zhu was stunned for a moment, and then shouted, “I don’t believe it!”
“You can believe it anyway. I don’t believe it,” Song Jiayuan said calmly, “Anyway, you have to save the person now, there is no need to discuss.”
Si Xiu, who followed Boss Zhu, was a little overwhelmed and had to cough lightly, “It’s just half a bowl of blood. , don’t be underestimated.”
/When Boss Zhu heard this, he gritted his teeth in his heart and laughed ferociously, “Okay, isn

who dares to think this way will definitely be the biggest enemy of the government and Taoist palace and will fight until death.

who dares to think this way will definitely be the biggest enemy of the government and Taoist palace and will fight until death.
Ding Qingyao was so frightened that after Li Yongsheng and Zhao Xinxin left, she couldn’t stand up – not because she was afraid of being exposed, but simply because she was scared.
Until now, she still couldn’t believe her ears.
But think about it again, Li Yongsheng is really weird. His origin is a mystery, his combat power is also extraordinary, he knows everything, and he can tell one, two, three about everything. To say that this person may be Guan Feng Well, that’s really not too outrageous.
If he wasn’t a wind-watching envoy, he really wouldn’t be able to find out where this person could come from – the inheritance from the upper realm? Not necessarily enough classes.
Only the identity of the Wind Watcher can perfectly explain all the strange things about this person.
Ding Jingzhu knew in his heart that he had been discovered, and the words Zhao Xinxin said, “remember to keep it secret”, were actually meant for him.
Keep it secret? Of course she knew it was a secret. Even if the Watcher didn’t say anything, she wouldn’t dare to reveal his secrets casually – whether it was rumors from the Tao Palace or historical records, the Watcher never liked to show up in front of others.
However, it is not necessarily not exposed at all. For example, Zhu Erhuan, the abbot of Erlang Temple, got some information about Guanfengshi from the previous abbot. After recognizing Li Yongsheng, he also planned to gain some benefits for his family.
Deep down in her heart, Ding Qingyao had no intention of secretly seeking some benefits for the Ding family or Xuannv Palace, but after this warning, she really didn’t have the courage anymore.
If she dares to ignore the warning and act recklessly, not to mention she herself will be unlucky, the predecessors of the Ding family who ascended to the upper world may be implicated by her – yes, there are people from the Ding family in Longyou who ascended, and four of them succeeded. Eight people died in the disaster.
According to legend among the Ding family, they were originally inherited from the upper world and became a hidden family.
You are now out of seclusion. If the corresponding real person can be sent out, my people from the main hospital can be withdrawn.
However, even so, the Ding family is not qualified to fight against Guan Feng, and neither is the Ding family in the upper realm.
As for whether this warning was issued by Zhao Xinxin, of course it is worth paying attention to. It is necessary!
/Until now, Ding Qingyao never understood why Li Niang looked at Zhao Xinxin with new eyes.
She always guessed that Huazhu Li valued her status as the prince’s daughter and saw that she had excellent qualifications, so he took care of her – maybe Huazhuyuan had something to entrust to her in the world of mortals?
But now, Ding Jingzhu finally understands that Zhao Xinxin is more than just qualified? He simply has an extraordinary backgro

d by the teasers.

d by the teasers.
When he came to Rouran Country, he didn’t have to worry. Even if the followers of Jiejiao dared to cross the border and act recklessly, he would still have plenty of ways to deal with them.
Not to mention anything else, once the blood demon’s aura spreads wildly, even Buddhist cultivators will be unable to sit still.
But Du Jingjing didn’t know this, so she had to ask, “Isn’t this thing difficult to control?”
“It’s not difficult at all,” Li Yongsheng replied nonchalantly, “It’s actually a prehistoric alien species, similar to a mirage, okay, its roots and feet are better than a mirage. Deeper.”
“Mirage?” Du Jingjing blinked her eyes and asked in disbelief, “Isn’t it like this? After the blood demon bites people, the blood cultivator that can turn people into vampires comes from this. You Do you understand?”
Ding Jingzhu frowned and his face sank, “Which pavilion did you see it in? There is such a book in my main temple?”
“Master Jingjing,” Ding Qingyao walked up not far away. She said calmly, “The main sutra hall has “The Past and Present Life of the Blood Demon” and “The Different Blood Cultivation I Know” Wait for the book, go read more and don’t talk so casually. How much do you know about the Blood Demon?”
Du Jingjing couldn’t help but blush, “I’ve just watched “The Blood Demon Prince Falls in Love with Me.”
“I see, you are still afraid.” I am at a disadvantage.” Li Yongsheng smiled and shook his head, “To be honest, I have tricks to deal with it. I am really worried that you will be infected by it. When I start refining it in the evening, you should stay away from me, preferably more than ten miles away.”
“I, I,” Du Jingjing hesitated, but answered honestly, “I saw it in the Huazhu Courtyard.”
“Huazhu Courtyard” Ding Qingyao smiled disdainfully, and before she was about to say anything, she suddenly became alert, “Well , Huazhuyuan interacts with sentient beings from all directions, and it is good to have these miscellaneous books.”
Then she glanced at Li Yongsheng without leaving any trace, and saw that he had no reaction before speaking again, “The Taoist Palace has always guessed that the blood demon is not just a prehistoric alien species. , is also a cultivation system. Well, there should be powerful blood demons in the upper world.”
Li Yongsheng heard this and said calmly, “I feel that the blood demons will not pose a threat to the Middle Earth Dao Palace.”
Didn’t he feel that Yes, but very sure of it.
/The origin of the blood demon species is very strange. Even in the upper world, very few people know the inside story.
And the Immortal Lord of Immortality knows precisely the origin of this thing – this is one of the dark histories of incense becoming a divine way.
However, even in the upper world, he had not thought about the blood demon. Firstly, the blood demon did not dare to do anything against him. Secondly, with his status as a powerful spiritual practitioner, it was inconvenient to study the blood demon.
This time, he planned to study it carefull

x-leafed stone lotus cost, but picking them up for nothing on a trip out was a good thing in the military ward.

x-leafed stone lotus cost, but picking them up for nothing on a trip out was a good thing in the military ward.
And maybe there are seven-leaf ones?
An hour later, someone actually found a seven-leafed stone lotus.
Seven-leaf Echeveria is basically priceless but not marketable. It is said to be more than 20 silver dollars per flower, but whoever has it can’t just sell it. If you don’t have any status, you really can’t buy it.
Lian Zhilei paid ten silver dollars and accepted this seven-leafed stone lotus. He felt that he was being kind – I led the team out. If I don’t give you the money, why don’t you hand it over?
I will directly reward you with the five-leaf stone lotus you collected.
The two small schools were also able to accept it. One of them made a suggestion. He pointed to the mountain above, “You still have to climb up the mountain. The higher you go, the higher the grade of the stone lotus. What if there is a nine-leaf stone lotus?
” Let’s go up. With this seven-leafed stone lotus at the bottom, it doesn’t matter if we sleep in Lanyun Mountain tonight.
After climbing up the mountain, everyone was startled. Another mountain rose not far away. However, everyone was at the foot of the mountain before and their sight was blocked. They could not see that there was a mountain on this mountain.
“That’s already the case,” Lian Zhilei waved his hand, “Look again to see if there are any stone lotus.”
There are five or six stone lotus plants, all with two or three leaves. They can be picked, but that’s all. The total amount is only one or two silver dollars.
Even the head of the room didn’t care, but the other three were very happy. It looked like they were really going to sleep out today.
However, as we advanced to another hilltop, someone suddenly screamed, “This is Tongxin Vine!”
Tongxin Vine is named after its leaves, which resemble two connected hearts. This vine is the holy detoxification plant. It has extremely strict requirements on the growth environment and is difficult to grow. In terms of its preciousness, it is still above the Nine-leaf Echeveria.
The Tongxin vine they saw was about the thickness of a wrist and about two feet long. Even Zhilei couldn’t help but take a breath, “It’s at least a two-hundred-year-old vine.”
worth at least five hundred silver dollars,” said the white-made vine. Xiu shouted and hurried forward, “Wait a minute, this vine cannot be cut with metal. It will affect the medicinal properties, so you have to use a stone knife.”
Just as everyone was looking for sharp stones. , there was a sound not far away, and a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old walked out of the bushes. He was wearing a raincoat and walked over quickly.
/“What are you doing?” he shouted, “Don’t touch this Tongxin Vine!”
“Tsk,” Lian Zhilei snorted disdainfully, “Who do you think you are? Get out of here, otherwise you will know the consequences of this wilderness!” The
young man hesitated for a moment before shouting loudly, “You are trespassing into the Taoist palace. , It’s alr

s a regular army, which is also a strong force drawn from various tribes.

s a regular army, which is also a strong force drawn from various tribes.
For each tribe, what they are fighting may be a national war, but what is consumed is the tribe’s private soldiers.
If the team of 20,000 people is not fighting, why should we rush forward?
Therefore, under this strange situation, the Chinese people actually got seven or eight days of rest.
These seven or eight days are enough for the Middle-earth rangers to recharge their batteries. Their combat strength may not return to its peak for a while, but for people who lost three of their limbs due to freezing, they are only in the single digits.
Of the five thousand Middle-earth rangers, almost four thousand are able to mount horses and fight, and there are more than five thousand horses captured from various settlements – although most of them are inferior horses, they are still horses and can be ridden.
The Chinese people are not Rouran people, so they cannot fight without horses.
For the Rouran people, this was not the only trouble. News came that Ivan’s shadow appeared on this battlefield.
Two real Ivans plundered a migrating Rouran tribe and stole nearly 300 horses. Everyone could see clearly. With their high noses and deep eyes, their skin was whiter than snow, they must be Ivans.
/The smell is so weird, Ivan actually ran to Southern Rouran – are they planning to join forces with the Middle-earth people?
The appearance of the Ivans completely confused the Rouran army. They were not sure how many Ivans there were in South Rouran now. Before they figured out this problem, they rashly launched an attack on the Middle-Turks. That would be Irresponsible!
Under such a strange situation, the Chinese people completed their general rest and began to pack up their tents and head south.
The seven to eight hundred wounded who had not yet recovered were placed on horse-drawn carriages and sleds. Of course, some things they could not see were placed on the flying boat.
Driving in such snow is very challenging. Even if you are riding a horse, one foot is deep and the other is shallow, you can only cover seventy or eighty miles in a day, and it will take at least three days to reach the border.
This was thanks to the fact that most of the time they were traveling with the wind.
The Rouran people will know as soon as the Middle-earth people move, and when they find that their opponents want to run away, of course they can’t bear it – I, the Rouran people, come and leave whenever you say?
At this time, they could not care about the lack of food and grass, nor the presence of Ivans watching eagerly, and quickly sent out troops to stop the attack.
Considering that it was not easy to mobilize the army, they first sent two thousand-man teams to the front of the Middle-Turks and used harassment to block them, buying precious time for the movement of the army behind them.
/The two thousand-man teams are the elites of the two thousand-man teams and are the absolute main force. They do not lose their courage because their own strength

e was accused of “disrespect”, even if she was killed, the ancestor of the Ding family would not come to Rouran to take revenge.

e was accused of “disrespect”, even if she was killed, the ancestor of the Ding family would not come to Rouran to take revenge.
Generally speaking, as a true king of an enemy country, he has a strong interest in killing outstanding juniors in the opponent’s camp.
So he had to humbly answer, “Your Majesty
is indeed very particular about what he does, but we think too much.” He wanted to use words to control the other party, but how could Xianda Zhenjun be at the mercy of others? He snorted coldly, “It’s a small formation, I only used 30% of my strength, are you all blind?”
/This is to find trouble, even if the other party shows weakness, he will blame the other party, in the end, even if he doesn’t If you take action, you can always save the remaining Rouran cultivators.
Everyone knew what this person was thinking, but seeing that this guy was becoming more and more shameless in his actions, even Ding Qingyao, Zhang Muzi, Huyan Scholar and other high-minded people did not dare to refute him for a moment.
Li Yongsheng snorted coldly, “What a joke, you are just worried that you will kill the Si Xiu in the formation with one finger, but you will accuse us of being wrong. Do you dare to be more shameless?” ”
Shuzi is bold!” Xianda Zhenjun was furious. , raised his hand and a golden light hit Li Yongsheng, extremely fast and hard to guard against.
This was Zhenjun’s full blow. He was aiming to establish his power, but he didn’t attack others. However, when he struck, he confined the opponent in that small space.
He insisted on killing this man in order to save the countrymen present.
Unfortunately, he chose the wrong person!
The golden light struck so quickly that it was difficult to guard against it. However, after the golden light passed, a large hole about ten feet in diameter appeared thirty feet away, but Li Yongsheng disappeared out of thin air.
The next moment, his figure appeared more than fifty feet away, shaking his hands to create a dozen formations, and shouting loudly, “It’s so shameless, watch me kill the True Lord today!”
However, True Lord Xianda How could it be so easy to kill? He saw through at a glance what the opponent was playing, and with a few flicks of his fingers, he easily exploded many formation disks one by one.
When he blew up the last formation disk, the formation disk hadn’t even hit the ground yet.
This is why Shan Ling’er must be blocked by personal guards in front when he plays the formation disk. As Huertu is a real person, it is really not easy to destroy the formation disk before it is activated.
With a smile on his face, Xianda Zhenjun smashed many array plates and said disdainfully, “The beads of rice also emit brilliance?”
He was about to continue to take action to kill the opponent, but saw two jade talismans appear in the opponent’s hand, and he crushed them viciously. .
The purpose of Li Yongsheng playing those formations was to destroy them, otherwise he wouldn’t even have a chance to crush the God-Shaking Talisman – he was very clear about the

he taste was also extremely bad.

he taste was also extremely bad.
In the unburnt granary, we also captured seven or eight guys alive who were fainted by the smoke. After asking, we found out that they were all Hishanites.
However, the harvest in the grain warehouse is not good either. The grain that has been poured with kerosene and burned cannot be eaten. A lot of the semi-burnt grain emits some strange smell, and it is estimated that you will get sick if you eat it.
From the mouths of these Hishan people, we got a piece of ironic news: it turned out that the reason why they would rather die than surrender was not only because they were afraid of being killed, but also because they were worried about being accused of “communicating with evil spirits.”
Hisama and Tonghe have a long-standing feud, and this time they are one of the main forces in the massacre. They do not think highly of Lei Gu, and believe that once they are captured, they will not only lose their lives, but also implicate their families and become ” The family members of those who communicate with evil cultists.
The one on the left or the other is dead, it would be better to die simply, maybe the family can escape.
Li Yongsheng was a little dumbfounded when he heard this: If a person wants to die, there is really no way to stop him.
In fact, the losses in this attack on Dongda Camp were still very heavy. More than a hundred people from Xiaoyang died and five to six hundred were injured. More than thirty soldiers from the two counties died. Even Leigu lost three people. people.
However, Dongda Camp suffered greater losses. More than 800 people were killed, more than a thousand were injured, more than 2,000 were captured, and only a thousand people escaped.
/Li Yongsheng was not very satisfied with this battle loss ratio. He said to himself that it was really embarrassing for me to lose so many people against a guy who was just talking on paper, even more than the previous two losses.
It can be seen that no matter how weak the troops are, as long as they are used properly, they can still exert considerable combat power – if the commander of the camp had not made many stupid moves, our losses would have been doubled.
In fact, he is a bit arrogant. Such a record is enough to boast. At least the Xiaoyang people are very satisfied, feeling that they have fought a good battle at a very small cost.
Li Yongsheng paid no more attention to the distribution of grain in the granary and left it all to the Xiaoyang people for discussion. On the next day, he held a public trial of the captured Xiao Si Qian prisoners.
Among these four thousand prisoners, more than fifty people participated in the massacre, and more than eighty people committed such heinous crimes that even the people from Xiaoyang came to complain with blood and tears, so more than a hundred heads rolled to the ground.
The next day, they searched the military camp for clues about the evil cult. Not to mention, they actually found two small yellow crosses. It was found that they were collected by the chief o

g interrupted him without hesitation, “Fellow Xuannv Palace is here to testify. Seriously, have you come? What purpose do you have here?”

g interrupted him without hesitation, “Fellow Xuannv Palace is here to testify. Seriously, have you come? What purpose do you have here?”
“What purpose can I have? Just to watch.” The commander was a little angry at his aggressiveness. No one has dared to do so for many years. Are you talking to me like this? “This is the people from Xuannv Palace who are proving the truth. I didn’t go to Qinglong Temple to see Zhenjun Jingheng prove it.”
“Shut up!” Qinglong scolded him without hesitation, “This is the territory protected by my Qinglong Temple. , who invited you here?”
The commander was so angry that his body was shaking. He took a deep breath to calm his breathing before slowly answering, “No one invited me here, but no one refused to let me come. I’m coming. This is also the territory of the Middle Earth. Can’t I, the Hall of Karma, come?”
“No one won’t let you come?” Qinglong laughed ferociously, “Just now, the abbot of the temple repeatedly advised you to leave, but you turned a deaf ear. Now you tell me, No one wants you to come, do you really think I’m deaf?”
That’s bad! The Commander-in-Chief’s heart skipped a beat, thinking that I had really forgotten about this problem.
At that time, he deceived the Qinglong Temple that there was no one there, and he also felt that his family represented the cultivation of cultivation, so how could he not go anywhere in the world? The place in front of him could barely be regarded as a Zisun Temple before, but now it is not even a Zisun Temple. Why should he have any scruples?
How could he have imagined that he would be caught by the temple-protecting beast of the Taoist Palace?
It would be a bit irresponsible to deny it at this time. The commander replied expressionlessly, “I just think that the government and the Taoist palace are one and the same, so I came to see what happened. I don’t mean to offend the Taoist palace.”
“Young master. Nonsense,” Qinglong interrupted him impatiently, “My host has repeatedly urged you to leave, why don’t you leave?” “Why should
I leave? This is also Middle-earth!” The commander was interrupted repeatedly by him, angrily. He also vented his anger and spoke loudly, “I didn’t know that Xuannv Palace and Qinglong Temple had an agreement.” ”
/You didn’t know?” Qinglong sneered and then spat out, “Bah, you’re just one of them. What! What kind of agreement did our two families have? Do you still have to tell me?”
/The messenger who came here was just a divine thought, but even so, he was very angry, “I respect you, this is what I mean. Sir, you insult me ??again and again, do you really think that my cultivation is a soft persimmon?”
“Hey, you still dare to be harsh at this time?” Qinglong was also furious, and reached out to grab the divine thought, “Leave it for me. I work hard but don’t show off my power. Do you think I’m critically ill?”
Although the commander was mentally prepared to take action, he really didn’t expect that the other party would dare to take action directly. In a hurry, he didn’t even have t

lly, it’s quite beautiful if you look carefully.”

“Brother Wang, tell me, why can’t we live a peaceful life?” Ma Tian’er said quietly.
Wang Meng sighed in his heart. It seemed that Ning Zhiyuan’s death still made Ma Tian’er unable to let go. “Peace does not belong to us cultivators, especially not suitable for the Great Yuan Realm.”
“Am I too weak? I miss Lei Guangtang.”
Looking at Ma Tian’er’s pitiful look, Wang Meng gently touched Tian’er’s hair, “Don’t think too much, everything will be fine!”
Ma Tianer leaned against Wang Meng gently, her eyes were red, but she did not let the tears fall. She had been in the Great Yuan Realm for such a long time, but in fact she still couldn’t adapt to fighting, especially this kind of indifferent life and death, as if Yesterday, Ning Zhiyuan was still fine, chatting and laughing, but in the blink of an eye, he returned to the underworld, and the reason was so ridiculous.
Fighting, eternal fighting, she thought she had adapted, but in fact she was still lying to herself.
“Tian’er, we practitioners have to fight against the sky, and at the same time we have to fight against ourselves. One day, you and I may encounter the same thing, but the path we choose is our own. If we really want to live a normal life every day, I’m afraid It’s really going crazy.”
Wang Meng said, at least he is not someone who dares to be ordinary. In fact, except for Ma Tian’er, everyone here is probably the same. The journey of cultivation is a constant challenge, and the law of the jungle is eaten by the strong.
Ma Tian’er nodded. In fact, she understood, but she couldn’t help but feel weak, especially when Wang Meng was around.
Just like that, Ma Tianer gradually fell asleep. Wang Meng didn’t feel sleepy at all. There were still many things lingering in his mind.
In this year, he must advance the Five Elements Movement to the fourth stage. Only in this way can he kill Hua Jianyu!
Under the moonlight, Ma Tian’er was sleeping like a helpless child. Wang Meng put Ma Tian’er on his lap so that she could sleep more comfortably.
Wang Meng’s mind began to expand, with the tower as the center, expanding outwards. The oncoming feeling was desolation, deprivation, as if the five elements were missing!
It feels like there is a shortage of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. This is the Five Elements Desert after all. The old demon dean can really find a good place for him.
I could faintly feel the aura of the monster beast, and the aura was full of aggression. It seemed like I had to be careful here.
/What worries me the most is not this. Apart from the harsh environment, I don’t know who else is in this space.
At dawn, everyone started to get busy. In the next year, this will be the place where they live and practice. Luo Han and Zhou Qian complicatedly perfected the formations and set up early warnings all around. Ma Tianer and Yan Yuyue were responsible for the surroundings of the tower, planning everyone living space.
Wang Meng and others began to patrol around, working in pairs to understand


Explosive weapons are very insidious things. The cold weapon used by the opponent to fight you suddenly turns into a bomb, and its power is still extremely powerful. If you encounter this situation, everyone will be scratching their head.
/Li Yongsheng was vigilant, but even so, the shock wave from the Taoist weapon’s self-destruction also made his body sway, as if someone had pushed him hard.
When he stood firm, the repairman who had self-destructed the weapon had been riddled with holes by his own weapon, not to mention eating more than a dozen armor-piercing nails from Li Yongsheng, although these armor-piercing nails were not critical. , but this person couldn’t live even after seeing it.
“Villains often die because they talk too much,” Li Yongsheng reminded himself in a low voice. We are fighting, so I can’t be too confident.
In fact, the quality of the ten opponents he met today was quite high. The master cultivator actually had explosive Taoist weapons, and the junior real person actually carried the earth escape talisman. It showed that these people were quite well prepared.
At this moment, the blood slave rushed over. Li Yongsheng glanced at it and said with a thought, “I’ll leave the repairman to you. I’ll take care of the real person.”
Both real people were trapped in the formation, but he had to hurry up as well. To capture the opponent, you are not worried about the opponent getting out of the formation, but to be careful that once the opponent finds that he cannot break the formation, he may take poison or self-destruct.
Li Yongsheng didn’t want to save the lives of these two people, but he wanted to know what the so-called “achieving the goal” meant.
Moreover, it is best to use living sacrifices to pay homage to the deceased.
/Unfortunately, just as he was about to step into the formation, he suddenly felt a threat coming towards him. He shot it backwards without thinking, and even threw a shield in front of him.
Two “bang bang” sounds were heard, but the bodies of the two real people swelled up and they self-destructed in unison.
“Squeak,” the blood slave screamed in anger, and Li Yongsheng actually heard what it meant – my storage bag~
Then, the blood slave picked up a repairman and threw it to the ground.
This Si Xiu was immediately thrown to pieces, but at his level of cultivation, it was not easy for him to have his bones broken and his tendons broken. Moreover, he also had defensive items on his body, and his defense index was quite high.
Although Li Yongsheng killed Si Xiu just like killing a chicken, one by one, in fact, few people could be as perverted as him.
The blood slave just vented his grievances and didn’t use much strength. This guy actually got up without a traceHowever, his eyes were full of confusion, “Isn’t it the teleportation talisman that I crushed?” The
The chief cultivator had a jade talisman in his hand, which was given to him by his superior, who said it was a teleportation talisman. , once he gets into a fight and the prospect is not g